boundhome 是一个由 "bound"(前往)和 "home"(家)组成的形容词,表示"回家的"或"归途的"。
与 "boundhome" 相关的词语有 "homeward"(回家的)、"returning"(归途的)。
与 "boundhome" 含义相似的词汇有 "homeward-bound"(即将回家的)、"returning"(归途的)。
与 "boundhome" 同义的词语有 "homeward"、"returning"。
与 "boundhome" 反义的词语有 "outbound"(出发的)、"departing"(离开的)。
boundhome 作为名词时,通常没有特定意义。
- After a long day at work, I was boundhome and looking forward to a relaxing evening.(一天辛苦工作之后,我要回家了,期待一个放松的晚上。)
- The tired travelers were boundhome, eager to see their families.(疲惫的旅行者们要回家了,渴望见到家人。)
- She missed her flight and was boundhome in disappointment.(她错过了飞机,失望地返回家。)
- With the sun setting, the migratory birds were boundhome for the winter.(太阳下山时,候鸟们正在迁徙回家过冬。)
- The soldiers, weary from battle, were boundhome to rest and recuperate.(战斗疲惫的士兵们要回家休息和恢复。)
- As the school bell rang, the children were boundhome, excited for the weekend.(当学校的铃声响起时,孩子们兴奋地回家了,迎接周末。)
- After months at sea, the sailors were boundhome, longing for their loved ones.(在海上数月后,水手们渴望着回家,想念自己的亲人。)
- With the storm approaching, the hikers decided it was wise to be boundhome.(面对即将来临的风暴,徒步旅行者们决定明智地回家。)
- After a year abroad, she was finally boundhome to her native country.(在国外生活了一年后,她终于要回到自己的祖国了。)
- The marathon runners were boundhome, their bodies exhausted but spirits triumphant.(马拉松选手们要回家了,身体疲惫但精神振奋。)
- The lost dog found its way back and was boundhome, wagging its tail happily.(迷路的狗找到了回家的路,摇着尾巴快乐地回家了。)
- With the completion of their mission, the astronauts were boundhome, proud of their accomplishments.(任务完成后,宇航员们满怀自豪地回家了。)
- As the sun began to set, the beachgoers packed up their belongings and were boundhome.(太阳开始下山时,海滩游客们收拾好行李准备回家了。)
- After a successful business trip, he was boundhome, ready to share the good news with his colleagues.(商务旅行圆满结束后,他准备回家,与同事们分享好消息。)
- The exhausted marathon runner crossed the finish line and was boundhome with a sense of accomplishment.(精疲力竭的马拉松选手越过终点线,满怀成就感地回家了。)
- The lost hiker was found by a search party and boundhome safely.(迷路的徒步旅行者被搜救队找到,并安全回家了。)
- With the concert over, the crowd was boundhome, humming the tunes they had just heard.(音乐会结束后,人群回家了,并哼唱着他们刚刚听到的曲调。)
- After a long day of sightseeing, the tourists were boundhome, reminiscing about the beautiful landmarks.(经过一整天的观光后,游客们要回家了,回忆起那些美丽的地标。)
- Leaving the office behind, she was boundhome, looking forward to a cozy evening with her family.(离开办公室,她要回家了,期待与家人度过一个温馨的晚上。)
- With the project completed, the team was boundhome, proud of their hard work.(项目完成后,团队回家了,对自己的辛勤工作感到自豪。)
- As the sun dipped below the horizon, the fishermen were boundhome, their boats filled with fresh catch.(太阳落到地平线以下时,渔民们回家了,他们的船上装满了新鲜的捕获物。)