1. collector [kəˈlɛktər] : 收藏的,收藏家的。
1. collector [kəˈlɛktər] : 收藏家。
2. collector [kəˈlɛktər] : 采集器。
3. collector [kəˈlɛktər] : 收款人,征税人。
1. collector 和 gatherer 的区别在于,collector 更强调对特定物品的收集和保管,而 gatherer 则更强调收集一切有用或有价值的东西。
2. collector 和 curator 的区别在于,collector 是指个人收集物品,而 curator 则是指专门负责管理和展示收藏品的人。
1. coin collector : 钱币收藏家。
2. stamp collector : 邮票收藏家。
3. art collector : 艺术品收藏家。
4. antique collector : 古董收藏家。
5. book collector : 图书收藏家。
1. gatherer
2. accumulator
3. hoarder
1. disperser
2. distributor
1. If you are a collector of something, for example, stamps or books, you regularly buy or acquire more of them because they are interesting or valuable to you.
2. A collector is a person whose job is to collect money that is owed to an organization or to collect tickets from passengers on a bus or train.
1. A person who collects things of a specified type, professionally or as a hobby.
2. A person who collects debts.
3. A device for collecting or accumulating something.
1. He is an avid collector of rare coins.
2. The museum has a new exhibition for stamp collectors.
3. The debt collector called to demand payment.
1. She has a vast collector of vintage cars.
2. The auction was attended by many well-known collector buyers.
- He is an avid collector of rare coins. 他是个狂热的稀有硬币收藏家。
- The museum has a new exhibition for stamp collectors. 博物馆为邮票收藏家举办了一场新展览。
- The debt collector called to demand payment. 催债人打电话要求付款。
- She has a vast collector of vintage cars. 她有一个庞大的古董车收藏。
- The auction was attended by many well-known collector buyers. 许多著名的收藏家参加了拍卖会。
- He is a passionate collector of antique books. 他是个对古书情有独钟的收藏家。
- The collector carefully examined each item in the collection. 那位收藏家仔细检查了收藏品中的每一件物品。
- As a coin collector, he is always searching for rare specimens. 作为一个钱币收藏家,他总是在寻找稀有的样本。
- The art collector donated his entire collection to the museum. 这位艺术收藏家将他整个收藏品捐赠给了博物馆。
- The stamp collector carefully mounted each stamp in the album. 邮票收藏家将每张邮票仔细地粘贴在相册上。
- The debt collector was persistent in his pursuit of payment. 催债人在追讨款项方面坚持不懈。
- The antique collector had a discerning eye for valuable items. 这位古董收藏家对有价值的物品有识别力。
- The collector's edition of the book includes exclusive illustrations. 这本书的收藏版包含独家插图。
- The coin collector attended a numismatic conference. 这位钱币收藏家参加了一次钱币学会议。
- The collector carefully organized his collection by theme. 这位收藏家按主题仔细组织了他的收藏品。
- The stamp collector traded duplicates with other enthusiasts. 邮票收藏家与其他爱好者交换重复的邮票。
- The art collector commissioned a famous painter to create a portrait. 这位艺术收藏家委托一位著名画家创作肖像画。
- The debt collector managed to recover a significant portion of the owed amount. 催债人设法收回了所欠金额的一大部分。
- The collector displayed his collection of rare coins in a secure glass case. 收藏家将他的稀有硬币收藏品展示在一个安全的玻璃柜中。
- The stamp collector spent hours carefully examining each stamp for imperfections. 邮票收藏家花了几个小时仔细检查每张邮票是否有瑕疵。
- The antique collector traveled to different countries in search of unique pieces. 古董收藏家到不同的国家寻找独特的物件。