marginal utility [经] 边际效用
1. 形容词:marginal utility (边际效用的)
2. 名词:marginal utility (边际效用)
marginal utility与其他词语的辨析:
1. total utility (总效用)
2. utility function (效用函数)
3. diminishing marginal utility (递减边际效用)
1. incremental utility (递增效用)
2. additional utility (额外效用)
3. extra utility (附加效用)
1. negative utility (负效用)
2. disutility (不效用)
marginal utility (经济学) 边际效用
marginal utility (经济学) 边际效用
1. 边际效用是指一种商品或服务对个体总效用的增量。当个体获得同一种商品或服务的更多单位时,其边际效用通常会递减。
2. 边际效用在经济学中是一个重要的概念,用于解释个体在消费决策中的行为。
3. 边际效用可以通过边际效用曲线来描述,该曲线显示了当个体消费某种商品或服务的额外单位时,其边际效用的变化情况。
1. As he consumed more and more ice cream, the marginal utility he gained from each additional scoop decreased. (当他消费了越来越多的冰淇淋时,他从每一勺额外的边际效用减少了。)
2. The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as a person consumes more units of a product, the additional satisfaction derived from each additional unit decreases. (递减边际效用法则表明,当一个人消费更多单位的产品时,每增加一个单位带来的额外满足感会减少。)
3. The consumer decided to stop purchasing the product when the marginal utility was no longer worth the cost. (当边际效用不再值得成本时,消费者决定停止购买该产品。)
4. The concept of marginal utility helps economists understand consumer behavior and preferences. (边际效用的概念帮助经济学家理解消费者行为和偏好。)
5. The company conducted a study to determine the marginal utility of their new product compared to existing alternatives. (该公司进行了一项研究,以确定其新产品相对于现有替代品的边际效用。)
6. The marginal utility of an additional hour of work was not worth the sacrifice of leisure time. (额外一小时工作的边际效用并不值得牺牲休闲时间。)
7. The consumer maximizes their total utility by allocating their budget based on the marginal utility of each product. (消费者通过根据每种产品的边际效用来分配预算,以最大化他们的总效用。)
8. The law of diminishing marginal utility explains why people are willing to pay less for additional units of a product. (递减边际效用法则解释了为什么人们愿意为额外的产品单位支付更少的费用。)
9. The economist conducted a study to analyze the relationship between price and marginal utility. (经济学家进行了一项研究,分析价格与边际效用之间的关系。)
10. The marginal utility of the last slice of pizza was not as high as the first few slices. (最后一块披萨的边际效用不如前几块高。)
11. When purchasing a car, the consumer considers the marginal utility of additional features in relation to their cost. (购买汽车时,消费者会考虑额外功能的边际效用与其成本的关系。)
12. The company adjusted its pricing strategy based on the marginal utility of its products in different market segments. (该公司根据其产品在不同市场细分中的边际效用调整了定价策略。)
13. The economist explained that the decrease in demand was due to the diminishing marginal utility of the product. (经济学家解释说需求下降是由于产品的递减边际效用。)
14. The consumer decided to purchase two items instead of one, as the marginal utility of the second item exceeded its price. (消费者决定购买两件商品而不是一件,因为第二件商品的边际效用超过了其价格。)
15. The law of diminishing marginal utility helps explain why individuals tend to seek variety in their consumption choices. (递减边际效用法则有助于解释为什么个体在消费选择上倾向于追求多样性。)
16. The company conducted a survey to measure the marginal utility of their new packaging design. (该公司进行了一项调查,以衡量其新包装设计的边际效用。)
17. The economist studied the relationship between income and marginal utility to understand how individuals allocate their spending. (经济学家研究了收入和边际效用之间的关系,以了解个体如何分配支出。)
18. The consumer decided to buy the product because the marginal utility outweighed the cost. (消费者决定购买该产品,因为边际效用超过了成本。)
19. The company analyzed the marginal utility of different pricing strategies to determine the most profitable approach. (该公司分析了不同定价策略的边际效用,以确定最有利可图的方法。)
20. The law of diminishing marginal utility suggests that individuals derive less satisfaction from each additional unit consumed. (递减边际效用法则表明,个体从每个额外单位消费中获得的满足感越来越少。)