1. 名词:计时员,时间记录员
2. 名词:计时器,时间记录仪
3. 名词:钟表,时间测量工具
4. 名词:时间管理者,时间安排者
5. 名词:时间标准,时间参考
6. 名词:警钟,警报器
1. punctual (形容词):准时的
2. time management (名词):时间管理
3. stopwatch (名词):秒表
4. chronometer (名词):精密计时器
5. timer (名词):计时器
timekeeper的近义词包括:time recorder, time clock, timepiece, timepiece operator, timer
1. latecomer (名词):迟到者
2. time waster (名词):浪费时间的人
3. procrastinator (名词):拖延症患者
timekeeper (名词)
1. A timekeeper is a person or thing that keeps a record of the time that is taken by workers, competitors, or participants in a particular activity.
2. A timekeeper is a person who is responsible for making sure that a sports event starts and ends correctly and that the rules are obeyed.
timekeeper (名词)
1. A person who records the time taken by people, for example in a race.
2. A person who is in charge of time during a sports event.
3. A device or person that measures or records the time taken by something.
1. The timekeeper recorded the lap times of the runners.
2. The timekeeper blew the whistle to signal the end of the match.
3. The timekeeper set the timer for 10 minutes.
4. She is a skilled timekeeper and ensures the accuracy of the recordings.
- The timekeeper recorded the lap times of the runners. (计时员记录了选手们的圈速。)
- The timekeeper blew the whistle to signal the end of the match. (时间管理员吹响哨子,标志比赛结束。)
- The timekeeper set the timer for 10 minutes. (时间记录员设置了10分钟的计时器。)
- She is a skilled timekeeper and ensures the accuracy of the recordings. (她是一位技术娴熟的计时员,确保记录的准确性。)
- The timekeeper at the race track announced the final time. (赛道上的计时员宣布了最终时间。)
- The timekeeper started the stopwatch as soon as the race began. (比赛开始后,计时员立刻启动了秒表。)
- As a timekeeper, he is responsible for recording the time of each competitor. (作为一名时间记录员,他负责记录每个参赛者的时间。)
- The timekeeper rang the bell to indicate the end of the round. (计时员鸣响铃声,表示该回合结束。)
- She has been working as a timekeeper for the company for over 10 years. (她在公司担任计时员已经超过10年了。)
- The timekeeper's job is to ensure fair play and accurate timing in the game. (计时员的工作是确保比赛的公平和准确计时。)
- The timekeeper meticulously recorded the participants' finishing times. (计时员细致地记录了参赛者的完赛时间。)
- The timekeeper is responsible for starting and stopping the clock during the competition. (计时员负责在比赛期间启动和停止计时器。)
- He used his smartphone as a timekeeper for the cooking competition. (他用智能手机作为烹饪比赛的计时器。)
- The timekeeper's role is crucial in determining the winner of a race. (计时员的角色在决定比赛的获胜者时至关重要。)
- The timekeeper recorded the exact time of the athlete's new world record. (计时员记录下了这位运动员新的世界纪录的准确时间。)
- The timekeeper ensures that the rules of the competition are followed by all participants. (计时员确保所有参赛者遵守比赛规则。)
- The timekeeper carefully monitored the countdown before the start of the race. (计时员在比赛开始前仔细监视倒计时。)
- The timekeeper's stopwatch malfunctioned, causing a delay in the race. (计时员的秒表出现故障,导致比赛延误。)
- She was appointed as the official timekeeper for the Olympic Games. (她被任命为奥运会的官方计时员。)
- The timekeeper announced the final results to the cheering crowd. (计时员向欢呼的观众宣布了最终结果。)