英 [ˌri:haɪˈdreɪʃn] 美 [ˌrihaɪˈdreɪʃn]
1. 补水,水合作用 2. (通过给予液体)复水,解渴形容词
rehydrate (动词): 补充水分,复水 dehydration (名词): 脱水,失水 dehydration (形容词): 脱水的,失水的近义词
rehydration: hydration反义词
rehydration: dehydration柯林斯词典
Rehydration is the process of replacing lost water, especially in a person's body.牛津词典
Rehydration is the process of restoring lost water to the body or to a substance in the body.用法
- Drink plenty of water for rehydration after exercise. (运动后饮用足够的水进行补水) - The doctor recommended rehydration therapy for the patient with severe dehydration. (医生建议对严重脱水的病人进行补水治疗)相关例句
- I always carry a bottle of water with me for rehydration during workouts.(我总是带着一瓶水在锻炼时补水。)
- Rehydration is crucial for athletes to recover after intense physical activity.(运动员在剧烈运动后,补水至关重要。)
- She suffered from severe dehydration and required immediate rehydration.(她严重脱水,需要立即补水。)
- Rehydration can be achieved by drinking water or consuming electrolyte-rich fluids.(可以通过饮用水或摄入电解质丰富的液体来进行补水。)
- The rehydrating properties of coconut water make it a popular choice for post-workout rehydration.(椰子水的补水特性使其成为运动后补水的受欢迎选择。)
- Proper rehydration is essential for preventing heatstroke in hot weather.(在炎热的天气中,适当补水对于预防中暑至关重要。)
- Rehydration is a key component of recovery after illness or surgery.(病后或手术后的康复过程中,补水是一个关键组成部分。)
- After a long hike, rehydration is necessary to replenish the fluids lost through sweating.(长时间徒步旅行后,补水是为了补充通过出汗流失的液体是必要的。)
- Rehydration can be achieved through intravenous fluids in severe cases of dehydration.(在严重脱水的情况下,可以通过静脉注射液体来进行补水。)
- Rehydration is important for maintaining proper bodily functions and overall health.(补水对于维持正常的身体功能和整体健康至关重要。)
- During illness, it is crucial to monitor and ensure proper rehydration.(在疾病期间,监控并确保适当补水是至关重要的。)
- Rehydration drinks are commonly used to replenish electrolytes and fluids during sports activities.(补水饮料常用于在体育活动期间补充电解质和液体。)
- Dehydration can lead to fatigue and dizziness, while rehydration restores energy levels.(脱水会导致疲劳和头晕,而补水则恢复能量水平。)
- Rehydration should be done gradually to avoid overhydration and potential health risks.(补水应逐渐进行,以避免过度补水和潜在的健康风险。)
- Rehydration plays a vital role in maintaining proper kidney function.(补水在保持肾脏正常功能方面起着至关重要的作用。)
- People who are ill should focus on rehydration to prevent further complications.(生病的人应该专注于补水,以防止进一步的并发症。)
- Rehydration can help alleviate symptoms such as dry mouth and thirst.(补水可以缓解口干和口渴等症状。)
- Rehydration therapy is commonly used in medical settings to treat dehydration.(补水疗法常用于医疗环境中治疗脱水。)
- It is important to balance rehydration with electrolyte intake for optimal hydration.(平衡补水与电解质摄入对于最佳水合作用至关重要。)
- Rehydration can be achieved through oral rehydration solutions or intravenous fluids.(可以通过口服补水溶液或静脉注射液体来进行补水。)