enforceable [ɪnˈfɔːrsəbl] (adj.): capable of being enforced or carried out
- binding
- valid
- executable
- nonenforceable
- unenforceable
- invalid
enforceability [ɪnˌfɔːrsəˈbɪləti] (n.): the quality of being enforceable
- enforceable contract: 可执行的合同
- enforceable right: 可行使的权利
- enforceable law: 可实施的法律
enforceability (noun): the quality or condition of being enforceable
enforceability (noun): the fact or process of making something happen or be accepted
Enforceability is an important aspect in legal agreements and contracts, ensuring that the terms and conditions can be legally enforced and carried out. It is necessary to determine the enforceability of a contract before entering into it to avoid any legal disputes or complications.
- It is crucial to carefully review the enforceability of the contract before signing it. (签署合同前仔细检查合同的可执行性是至关重要的。)
- The court will assess the enforceability of the non-compete clause in the employment contract. (法庭将评估雇佣合同中竞业禁止条款的可执行性。)
- The enforceability of the agreement is subject to the applicable laws of the jurisdiction. (协议的可执行性受适用的司法管辖法律的约束。)
- The lawyer explained the enforceability of the contract to the clients. (律师向客户解释了合同的可执行性。)
- Without proper signatures, the enforceability of the document may be questioned. (如果没有适当的签名,文件的可执行性可能会受到质疑。)
- The enforceability of the settlement agreement was disputed by both parties. (双方对和解协议的可执行性存在争议。)
- The enforceability of the new legislation is yet to be determined. (新立法的可执行性尚未确定。)
- The court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, stating the enforceability of the contract. (法院判决支持原告,指出合同的可执行性。)
- The enforceability of the terms and conditions is outlined in the agreement. (合同中详细说明了条款的可执行性。)
- They hired a legal expert to assess the enforceability of the patent. (他们聘请了一位法律专家来评估专利的可执行性。)
- The enforceability of the contract is contingent upon the fulfillment of certain conditions. (合同的可执行性取决于满足某些条件。)
- The enforceability of the judgment was questioned due to procedural errors. (由于程序错误,判决的可执行性受到质疑。)
- The enforceability of the agreement is binding on all parties involved. (协议的可执行性对所有涉及方都有约束力。)
- The lawyer advised his client on the enforceability of the lease agreement. (律师就租赁协议的可执行性向客户提供建议。)
- She raised concerns about the enforceability of the non-disclosure agreement. (她对保密协议的可执行性提出了担忧。)
- The enforceability of the contract was upheld by the court. (法院维护了合同的可执行性。)
- The enforceability of the regulation is essential for maintaining order. (维护法规的可执行性对于维持秩序至关重要。)
- He questioned the enforceability of the contract due to ambiguous language. (由于措辞模糊,他对合同的可执行性提出了质疑。)
- The enforceability of the agreement is subject to negotiation between the parties. (协议的可执行性需经双方协商确定。)
- The enforceability of the law is determined by the court. (法律的可执行性由法院确定。)