revaluationsurplus [noun]
- 重新评估盈余
- 再估价盈余
revaluationsurplus与revaluation reserve是相关概念,二者有时可互换使用。revaluationsurplus指的是在资产或负债重新评估后,计入资产净值或减少负债净值的盈余。而revaluation reserve则是指在资产或负债重新评估后,计入资本公积或留存收益中的盈余。
revaluation, surplus, valuation, accounting, asset, liability
revaluation surplus的近义词包括:revaluation gain, revaluation profit
revaluation deficit, revaluation loss
revaluationsurplus [adjective]
- 重新评估盈余的
- 再估价盈余的
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- The revaluationsurplus of the company increased due to the rise in property values. (公司的重新评估盈余增加,这是由于房地产价值上涨。)
- The revaluationsurplus was used to offset the accumulated losses. (重新评估盈余被用于抵销累计亏损。)
- The revaluation gain contributed to the company's financial stability. (重新评估盈余对公司的财务稳定做出了贡献。)
- The revaluation profit boosted the company's balance sheet. (再估价盈余提升了公司的资产负债表。)
- After the revaluation, a surplus was recorded in the revaluation reserve account. (重新评估后,重新估价盈余被记录在重新估价准备金账户中。)
- The revaluation surplus will be distributed as dividends to the shareholders. (重新评估盈余将作为股息分配给股东。)
- The revaluation gain was recognized as income in the financial statements. (重新评估盈余被确认为财务报表中的收入。)
- Due to the revaluation surplus, the company's net worth increased significantly. (由于重新评估盈余,公司的净值显著增加。)
- The revaluation surplus was used to strengthen the company's financial position. (重新评估盈余被用于强化公司的财务状况。)
- The revaluation reserve reflected the revaluation surplus of the company. (重新估价准备金反映了公司的重新评估盈余。)
- The revaluation surplus was allocated to the retained earnings account. (重新评估盈余被分配到留存收益账户中。)
- The revaluation profit was a result of the increase in property values. (再估价盈余是房地产价值上涨的结果。)
- The revaluation surplus provided a buffer against potential losses. (重新评估盈余为潜在损失提供了缓冲。)
- The revaluation gain improved the company's financial performance. (重新评估盈余改善了公司的财务业绩。)
- The revaluation profit was recorded as an adjustment to the asset's carrying value. (再估价盈余被记录为对资产账面价值的调整。)
- The revaluation surplus was included in the company's equity section of the balance sheet. (重新评估盈余被包括在公司资产负债表的权益部分。)
- The revaluation surplus increased the company's financial reserves. (重新评估盈余增加了公司的财务储备。)
- The revaluation gain was recognized as an extraordinary item in the financial statements. (重新评估盈余被确认为财务报表中的非常项目。)
- The revaluation profit contributed to the company's overall profitability. (再估价盈余对公司的整体盈利能力做出了贡献。)
- The revaluation surplus resulted from the appreciation of investment properties. (重新评估盈余是由于投资物业的升值而产生的。)