habitat [noun]: the natural environment in which a plant or animal lives, that provides the necessary conditions for its existence
habitat [adjective]: relating to a habitat or the natural environment
habitat: 指植物或动物生活的自然环境,提供其生存所需的条件。
environment: 指周围的自然或人工环境,包括生物、物理和社会因素。
ecosystem: 指在特定地区内相互作用的生物群体和其非生物环境。
habitat loss: 栖息地丧失
wildlife habitat: 野生动物栖息地
marine habitat: 海洋栖息地
environment, territory, domain, niche
alien environment, artificial habitat
habitat (noun): The habitat of an animal or plant is the place where it lives, which is determined by its food, water, and shelter.
habitat (adjective): Habitat means relating to a particular habitat.
habitat (noun): The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
habitat (adjective): Relating to a particular habitat or environments.
- The habitat of a tiger is usually in dense forests. (一只老虎的栖息地通常位于茂密的森林中。)
- Many species are losing their habitats due to deforestation. (许多物种因为森林砍伐而失去了它们的栖息地。)
- The panda is an habitat species. (熊猫是一种栖息地种类。)
- Conservation efforts aim to protect habitat areas. (保护工作旨在保护栖息地区域。)
- The destruction of the rainforest has led to the loss of many animal habitats. (热带雨林的破坏导致了许多动物栖息地的丧失。)
- Swamps and marshes provide crucial habitats for various bird species. (沼泽地和湿地为各种鸟类提供了关键的栖息地。)
- Urbanization has resulted in the decline of natural habitats for wildlife. (城市化导致了野生动物的自然栖息地减少。)
- The habitat preferences of the bird determine its nesting location. (鸟类的栖息地偏好决定了它的筑巢位置。)
- The conservation organization works to restore damaged habitats. (保护组织致力于恢复受损的栖息地。)
- The habitat range of the species extends from the mountains to the coast. (该物种的栖息地范围从山区延伸到海岸。)
- These wetlands provide an ideal habitat for various aquatic plants. (这些湿地为各种水生植物提供了理想的栖息地。)
- Animals have adapted to survive in their specific habitats. (动物已经适应在它们特定的栖息地中生存。)
- The national park is home to a diverse habitat and wildlife. (国家公园是各种栖息地和野生动植物的家园。)
- The bird builds its nest in the habitat of tall trees. (这种鸟类在高大树木的栖息地中筑巢。)
- Environmental conservation aims to protect natural habitats for future generations. (环境保护旨在保护自然栖息地,留给后代。)
- The desert provides a challenging habitat for survival. (沙漠为生存提供了充满挑战的栖息地。)
- Researchers are studying the habitat preferences of the endangered species. (研究人员正在研究濒危物种的栖息地偏好。)
- The habitat loss due to climate change has resulted in the decline of certain species. (由于气候变化引起的栖息地丧失导致了某些物种的衰退。)
- The organization is working on creating artificial habitats for endangered species. (该组织正在努力为濒危物种创建人工栖息地。)
- The habitat destruction caused by pollution has had a negative impact on marine life. (污染导致的栖息地破坏对海洋生物产生了负面影响。)
- The habitat range of the species has been significantly reduced due to urban expansion. (由于城市扩张,该物种的栖息地范围已经大幅减少。)
- The habitat diversity in this area supports a wide variety of plant and animal species. (该地区的栖息地多样性支持着各种各样的植物和动物物种。)
- The project focuses on identifying and protecting critical habitats for migratory birds. (该项目旨在识别和保护候鸟的关键栖息地。)
- Efforts are being made to restore the habitat connectivity between fragmented areas. (正在努力恢复分散区域之间的栖息地连接性。)
- The construction of a dam resulted in the flooding of the habitat of several aquatic species. (筑坝导致了几种水生物种的栖息地被淹没。)
- This type of bird has an incredibly intricate nesting habitat. (这种鸟类有着非常复杂的筑巢栖息地。)