testy 【形容词】 1. 易怒的,暴躁的 - testy temper 易怒的脾气 【名词】 1. 脾气暴躁的人,易怒的人 【词语辨析】 testy, irritable, touchy, tetchy - 这些形容词都指容易发怒或容易生气。 - testy强调因小事即可发怒或发脾气。 - irritable指对小事容易发脾气或发怒,但没有testy的强调。 - touchy指对别人的言行过分敏感,容易发脾气。 - tetchy指容易发怒或生气,尤其指对别人的要求或指责容忍度低。 【词汇扩充】 1. testily - adverb - 暴躁地,易怒地 【近义词】 irritable, touchy, tetchy, peevish 【反义词】 calm, patient 【柯林斯词典】 testy (ˈtɛstɪ) 1. adjective If you describe someone as testy, you mean that they easily become impatient or angry. - I was a bit testy and impatient. 我有点脾气暴躁,不耐烦。 【牛津词典】 testy 1. ADJECTIVE Easily irritated; impatient and somewhat bad-tempered. - he was tired and testy with the heat 他因为天热而疲惫不堪和脾气暴躁。 【用法】 1. testy + Noun - a testy reply/comment 一个暴躁的回答/评论 2. be testy with + Noun/Person - She was testy with her colleagues. 她对同事脾气暴躁。 【相关例句】 1. He gets testy if you interrupt him while he's working. 如果在他工作时打扰他,他会脾气暴躁。 2. The old man became increasingly testy as the afternoon wore on. 下午渐渐过去,老人变得越来越暴躁。 3. She's always testy with me when she's stressed. 她压力大的时候总是对我发脾气。 4. He's known for his testy comments during press conferences. 他以在新闻发布会上发表暴躁的评论而闻名。 5. The boss is in a testy mood today, so try to avoid him if possible. 老板今天脾气不好,如果可能的话尽量避开他。 6. She gave a testy response to his question. 她对他的问题作出了一个暴躁的回答。 7. The testy customer complained about the slow service. 这位脾气暴躁的顾客抱怨服务太慢。 8. He became testy with his wife after a long day at work. 在工作了一整天后,他对妻子发脾气。 9. He's always been a bit testy, even as a child. 他从小就有点易怒。 10. The testy old man shouted at the kids to get off his lawn. 这位脾气暴躁的老人对孩子们喊道,让他们离开他的草坪。 11. The testy driver honked his horn at the car in front of him. 这位脾气暴躁的司机按喇叭警告前方的车辆。 12. She's testy when she hasn't had her morning coffee. 她早上没喝咖啡时脾气暴躁。 13. The testy professor gave a scathing critique of the student's essay. 这位暴躁的教授对学生的文章进行了严厉的批评。 14. He tends to get testy when he's hungry. 他饿了的时候容易发脾气。 15. The testy customer complained loudly about the poor service. 这位脾气暴躁的顾客对糟糕的服务大声抱怨。 16. She was in a testy mood after a long day at work. 工作了一整天后,她心情烦躁。 17. The testy toddler threw a tantrum in the store. 这个脾气暴躁的小孩在商店里发脾气。 18. The testy teacher scolded the students for not doing their homework. 这位脾气暴躁的老师因学生没做作业而责备他们。 19. The testy customer demanded to speak to the manager. 这位脾气暴躁的顾客要求与经理交谈。 20. The testy boss criticized his employees for their mistakes. 这位脾气暴躁的老板批评员工的错误。