altruistic [ælˈtruːɪstɪk] /ˌæltruˈɪstɪk/
- 无私的;利他主义的
- 无私心的;关心他人福利的
altruistic [ælˈtruːɪstɪk] /ˌæltruˈɪstɪk/
- 利他主义者;无私者
- 无私心的人
altruistically (adv.) 无私地;利他地
selfless, unselfish, philanthropic
selfish, egoistic, egoistical
altruistic [ælˈtruːɪstɪk]
- Someone who has an altruistic nature shows a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
- If you describe actions or feelings as altruistic, you approve of them because they involve helping other people, even though there may be no advantage to yourself or they may involve some disadvantage or loss.
altruistic [ælˈtruːɪstɪk]
- Showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
- Behavior that shows a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
1. He's always been known for his altruistic nature. (他一直以来都以他的无私品质而闻名。)
2. She made an altruistic decision to donate all her winnings to charity. (她做出了一个无私的决定,把她所有的奖金都捐给慈善机构。)
3. His actions were driven by an altruistic desire to help others. (他的行动是出于一种无私的愿望来帮助他人。)
4. Volunteers play a crucial role in the altruistic work of the organization. (志愿者在该组织的无私工作中起着关键作用。)
5. Her altruistic behavior has inspired others to do good deeds. (她的无私行为激励着其他人去做好事。)
6. He devoted his life to altruistic pursuits. (他把自己的一生都投入到了利他追求中。)
7. They performed an altruistic act by rescuing the injured hiker. (他们通过营救受伤的远足者表现出了无私的行为。)
8. Her altruistic motives were questioned by some. (有些人质疑她的无私动机。)
9. The organization relies on the dedication of altruistic individuals. (该组织依靠无私的个人的奉献。)
10. He was honored for his altruistic efforts in the community. (他因为在社区的无私努力而受到了表彰。)
11. Her altruistic nature led her to constantly help those in need. (她的无私品质使她不断地帮助那些需要帮助的人。)
12. They formed an altruistic group dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged children. (他们组成了一个致力于改善贫困儿童生活的无私团体。)
13. His altruistic behavior was seen as a rare quality in today's society. (他的无私行为在当今社会被视为一种罕见的品质。)
14. She always puts others first and is known for her altruistic nature. (她总是把他人放在第一位,以她的无私品质而闻名。)
15. He was praised for his altruistic acts of kindness towards strangers. (他因对陌生人的无私善举而受到赞扬。)
16. The organization relies on altruistic donations to fund their projects. (该组织依靠无私的捐款来资助他们的项目。)
17. She has dedicated her life to altruistic causes and has made a significant impact. (她把自己的一生都献给了利他事业,并产生了重要影响。)
18. The altruistic act of saving the drowning child was captured on camera. (营救溺水儿童的无私行为被摄像机拍下了。)
19. His altruistic nature made him the perfect candidate for the job. (他的无私品质使他成为这份工作的完美候选人。)
20. She received an award for her altruistic efforts to improve education in disadvantaged communities. (她因为在弱势社区改善教育的无私努力而获得了奖项。)