1. 激烈的;剧烈的
- The kickup in the stock market caused widespread panic.(股市的剧烈波动引起了普遍恐慌。)
- The kickup in the wind made it difficult to walk.(强风的猛烈吹拂使得行走困难。)
1. 骚动;喧闹
- There was a kickup at the party when the neighbors complained about the noise.(邻居因噪音向派对发起了抗议,引发了一场骚动。)
- The team had a kickup after losing the game.(比赛输了之后,队伍内部发生了一次喧闹。)
2. 踢起的尘土
- The car's wheels sent up a kickup of dust as it sped away.(汽车飞速驶离,车轮卷起了一阵尘土。)
- She watched the kickup of sand as the horse galloped along the beach.(她看着马匹在沙滩上奔跑掀起的尘土。)
1. (of a horse or other animal) to lift the hind legs in a sudden and forceful way
2. (informal) to cause trouble or a disturbance
1. (of a vehicle) to throw up dust or dirt as it moves along
2. an upward surge or movement of something, especially liquid or a cloud of dust.
3. a commotion or disturbance.
- The kickup in the stock market caused widespread panic.(股市的剧烈波动引起了普遍恐慌。)
- The kickup in the wind made it difficult to walk.(强风的猛烈吹拂使得行走困难。)
- There was a kickup at the party when the neighbors complained about the noise.(邻居因噪音向派对发起了抗议,引发了一场骚动。)
- The team had a kickup after losing the game.(比赛输了之后,队伍内部发生了一次喧闹。)
- The car's wheels sent up a kickup of dust as it sped away.(汽车飞速驶离,车轮卷起了一阵尘土。)
- She watched the kickup of sand as the horse galloped along the beach.(她看着马匹在沙滩上奔跑掀起的尘土。)
- The strike caused a kickup in the factory.(罢工在工厂引起了骚动。)
- His resignation created a kickup in the office.(他的辞职在办公室引起了一场骚动。)
- The kickup of water from the boat's propellers soaked everyone on the deck.(船上螺旋桨喷起的水花把甲板上的每个人都淋湿了。)
- The sandstorm resulted in a massive kickup of dust and debris.(沙尘暴导致了大量尘土和碎片的翻腾。)
- There was a kickup in the neighborhood when the new nightclub opened.(新的夜总会开业时,周围引起了一片骚动。)
- The kickup in the market led to a surge in prices.(市场的剧烈波动导致了价格的飙升。)
- After the controversial decision, there was a kickup among the fans.(在这个备受争议的决定之后,球迷们引发了一场骚动。)
- He kicked up a kickup about the poor service at the restaurant.(他对餐厅糟糕的服务发起了抗议。)
- The kickup of dust made it hard to see the road ahead.(翻腾的尘土使得前方的道路难以辨别。)
- They caused a kickup by shouting and throwing things.(他们大声喊叫并扔东西引起了一片喧闹。)
- His sudden resignation caused a kickup in the office.(他突然的辞职在办公室引发了一场骚动。)
- The news of the scandal caused a kickup in the media.(丑闻的消息在媒体中引起了一片骚动。)
- The kickup of sand obscured their vision.(沙尘的翻腾遮挡了他们的视线。)
- The horse's kickup startled the other animals in the pasture.(马匹突然猛踢四蹄,把牧场里的其他动物吓了一跳。)
- She caused a kickup when she revealed the secret.(她透露了那个秘密,引起了一片骚动。)