1. 出席的;参加的
2. 注意的;专心的
1. 出席者;参加者
2. 医生
1. unattended:形容词,表示“无人照料的;无人看管的”。
2. attendant:形容词,表示“随行的;伴随的”;名词,表示“服务员;侍者”。
1. present
2. participating
3. involved
4. present
5. accompanying
1. absent
2. inattentive
3. uninvolved
4. unaccompanied
1. 形容词:If you are attending a school or college, you go to it or are a student there.(如果你在一所学校或大学就读,你会去那里或是那里的学生。)
2. 名词:The attending is the doctor who has the main responsibility for a patient in a hospital.(出诊医生是对一名住院患者负有主要责任的医生。)
1. 形容词:(of a doctor) having administrative authority over a hospital or institution.((指医生)担任医院或机构的行政职权)
2. 名词:A doctor on the staff of a hospital.(一名医院的医生)
1. The attending physician will be in charge of your care.(出诊医师将负责您的治疗。)
2. She is attending a conference in London.(她正在伦敦参加一个会议。)
3. The attending students were asked to raise their hands.(被要求举手的学生参加了。)
4. I am attending to my responsibilities.(我正在履行我的责任。)
1. The attending doctor diagnosed the patient's condition as pneumonia.
2. The attending students listened attentively to the lecture.
3. The attending guests were greeted at the entrance by the host.
4. She is attending a prestigious university in the United States.
5. The attending doctor is responsible for coordinating the patient's treatment plan.
6. The attending audience gave a standing ovation to the performer.
7. The attending students were actively engaged in the group discussion.
8. The attending physician provided the patient with detailed instructions for post-surgery care.
9. The attending guests enjoyed a delicious dinner at the reception.
10. The attending students had the opportunity to ask questions during the lecture.
11. The attending doctor recommended a change in medication for the patient.
12. The attending audience applauded enthusiastically at the end of the performance.
13. The attending students formed study groups to prepare for the upcoming exam.
14. The attending physician closely monitored the patient's progress.
15. The attending guests mingled and socialized during the cocktail reception.
16. The attending students actively participated in the debate competition.
17. The attending doctor explained the treatment options to the patient and their family.
18. The attending audience was captivated by the mesmerizing performance.
19. The attending students presented their research findings at the conference.
20. The attending physician prescribed medication to alleviate the patient's symptoms.