形容词: 1. actor的形容词形式,表示与演员或表演有关的。 名词: 1. 演员(指男性);女演员(指女性) 2. 参演者;表演者 3. 行动者;执行者词语辨析:
actor vs. actress - actor指男性演员,而actress指女性演员。 词汇扩充: 1. leading actor/actress:主演 2. supporting actor/actress:配角演员 3. voice actor/actress:配音演员 4. child actor/actress:童星 5. stage actor/actress:舞台演员近义词:
performer, player, thespian, artist反义词:
audience, spectator柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
actor (actors) 1. An actor is someone whose job is acting in plays or films. 2. An actor is a man who pretends to be someone else while performing in a film, play, or television programme.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
actor (actors) 1. A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television. 2. A person taking part in a particular action or event.用法:
- The actor received a standing ovation for his outstanding performance. - She is a talented actress who has won many awards. - The leading actor stole the show with his powerful portrayal of the character.例句:
- The actor delivered a powerful monologue that moved the audience to tears.(这位演员表演了一个感人的独白,使观众落泪。)
- She is known for her versatility as an actress, playing a wide range of roles.(她作为一名女演员以其多才多艺而闻名,扮演了各种不同的角色。)
- The young actor showed great promise in his debut performance.(这位年轻的演员在首次演出中显示出了巨大的潜力。)
- The supporting actors provided excellent comic relief in the play.(配角演员在戏剧中提供了出色的喜剧缓解。)
- He is a well-respected stage actor with a long and successful career.(他是一位备受尊敬的舞台演员,拥有着漫长而成功的职业生涯。)
- The film industry relies on talented actors to bring stories to life.(电影行业依靠才华横溢的演员将故事变得生动起来。)
- She is a versatile actor who effortlessly switches between comedy and drama.(她是一位多才多艺的演员,毫不费力地在喜剧和戏剧之间切换。)
- He is a well-known character actor who excels in playing eccentric roles.(他是一位著名的角色演员,擅长扮演古怪的角色。)
- The actor's performance was captivating and held the audience's attention throughout.(这位演员的表演令人着迷,始终吸引着观众的注意力。)
- She started her career as a child actor and has since become a respected actress.(她从童星开始了她的职业生涯,如今已成为备受尊敬的女演员。)
- He played the role of Hamlet in a critically acclaimed production by a renowned theater company.(他在一家著名剧院公司的备受赞誉的演出中扮演了哈姆雷特的角色。)
- The voice actor brought the animated character to life with his distinct and expressive voice.(配音演员用他独特而富有表现力的声音赋予了动画角色生命。)
- The actor's dedication to his craft is evident in every performance.(这位演员对自己的工艺的执着在每次表演中都能看出来。)
- She is a highly sought-after actress in the film industry.(她是电影界备受追捧的女演员。)
- The actor's portrayal of the historical figure was both accurate and compelling.(这位演员对历史人物的刻画既准确又引人入胜。)
- He is a respected actor who has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry.(他是一位备受尊敬的演员,曾与业界最重要的人物合作过。)
- The actor's performance was met with critical acclaim and earned him several awards.(这位演员的表演受到了评论界的赞誉,并为他赢得了几个奖项。)
- She played the role of a detective in the crime thriller, showcasing her versatility as an actress.(她在这部犯罪惊悚片中扮演了一名侦探的角色,展示了她作为一名女演员的多才多艺。)
- The actor's comedic timing and delivery had the audience in stitches.(这位演员的喜剧时机和表演让观众捧腹大笑。)
- He is a method actor who immerses himself completely in his characters.(他是一位方法演员,完全沉浸在自己的角色中。)
- The actor's powerful performance left a lasting impression on the audience.(这位演员强大的表演给观众留下了深刻的印象。)