extraterrestrial [ɪkstrətɛˈrɛstrɪəl]:外星的,地球外的
extraterrestrial [ˌɛkstrətɛˈrɛstrɪəl]:外星人,地球外生物
1. 外星的:指来自地球以外的物体或生物。
2. 地球外的:指存在于地球以外的事物或现象。
1. 外星人:指来自地球以外的生物。
2. 地球外生物:指存在于地球以外的生物体。
extraterrestrial civilization:外星文明
extraterrestrial intelligence:外星智慧
extraterrestrial life:外星生命
extraterrestrial planet:外星行星
extraterrestrial technology:外星技术
extraterrestrial (ɛkstrətɛˈrɛstrɪəl)
1. 形容词:外星的
2. 名词:外星人
extraterrestrial (ɛkstrətɛˈrɛstrɪəl)
1. 形容词:外星的,地球外的
2. 名词:外星人,地球外生物
1. 形容词用法:an extraterrestrial object(外星物体)
2. 名词用法:Scientists are searching for evidence of extraterrestrial life.(科学家正在寻找外星生命的证据。)
1. Scientists believe that there may be extraterrestrial life on other planets. (科学家认为其他行星上可能存在外星生命。)
2. The movie depicts a group of astronauts encountering extraterrestrial beings on a distant planet. (这部电影描述了一群宇航员在一个遥远的星球上遇到外星生物。)
3. The existence of extraterrestrial civilizations remains a topic of speculation and scientific research. (外星文明的存在仍然是一个猜测和科学研究的话题。)
4. The discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence would have profound implications for our understanding of the universe. (外星智慧的发现将对我们对宇宙的理解产生深远的影响。)
5. Some people claim to have had encounters with extraterrestrial beings, but there is no concrete evidence to support these claims. (有些人声称与外星生物有过接触,但没有确凿的证据支持这些说法。)
6. The search for extraterrestrial life is a key focus of many space exploration missions. (寻找外星生命是许多太空探索任务的重点关注领域。)
7. The possibility of extraterrestrial visitors has fascinated people for centuries. (外星访客的可能性已经吸引人们几个世纪。)
8. The study of extraterrestrial planets has revealed a wide range of diverse environments. (对外星行星的研究揭示了各种各样不同的环境。)
9. The existence of extraterrestrial civilizations raises questions about the uniqueness of life on Earth. (外星文明的存在引发了对地球生命独特性的质疑。)
10. The discovery of microbial life on Mars would be a significant step towards confirming the existence of extraterrestrial life. (在火星上发现微生物生命将是确认外星生命存在的重要一步。)
11. The possibility of communication with extraterrestrial civilizations has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike. (与外星文明进行交流的可能性引起了科学家和公众的想象。)
12. Some UFO sightings are attributed to extraterrestrial spacecraft, but most can be explained by natural phenomena or misinterpretation. (一些不明飞行物的目击被归因于外星飞船,但大多数可以解释为自然现象或误解。)
13. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence involves scanning the universe for radio signals that could indicate the presence of advanced civilizations. (寻找外星智慧涉及扫描宇宙以寻找可能表明高级文明存在的无线电信号。)
14. The possibility of encountering extraterrestrial life raises ethical questions about how we should interact with beings from other worlds. (遇到外星生命的可能性引发了关于我们应该如何与其他世界的生物进行互动的伦理问题。)
15. The study of extraterrestrial geology can provide insights into the formation and evolution of planets in our solar system. (对外星地质学的研究可以揭示我们太阳系中行星的形成和演化。)
16. Some people claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to experiments. (有些人声称曾被外星生物绑架并进行实验。)
17. The possibility of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations has inspired numerous works of science fiction. (与外星文明接触的可能性激发了许多科幻作品的创作。)
18. The search for extraterrestrial life forms part of humanity's quest to understand our place in the universe. (寻找外星生命是人类探索宇宙中自己位置的一部分。)
19. The study of extraterrestrial atmospheres can provide valuable insights into the conditions necessary for life to exist on other planets. (对外星大气的研究可以为在其他行星上存在生命所必需的条件提供宝贵的见解。)
20. The discovery of extraterrestrial artifacts would provide evidence of advanced civilizations existing elsewhere in the universe. (外星文物的发现将为宇宙中其他地方存在先进文明提供证据。)