形容词 (Adjective)
1. 使人镇定的;使人平静的
2. 放松的;舒缓的
calmingly (副词)
calmness (名词)
soothing, tranquilizing, pacifying
disturbing, agitating, unsettling
名词 (Noun)
1. 镇定剂;镇静剂
2. 镇定;平静
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
If something is calming, it makes you feel calm.
A calming is a drug or other substance that makes you feel calm.
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
Having a sedative or calming effect or nature.
The action of making someone or something calm; a sedative or calming effect.
用法 (Usage)
1. The sound of gentle waves can be very calming.
2. She took a deep breath to try and calm herself.
3. Listening to soft music has a calming effect on me.
4. The calming presence of her mother helped her relax.
相关例句 (Example Sentences)
- The calming effect of the lavender oil helped her sleep peacefully. (薰衣草油的镇定作用帮助她安然入睡。)
- He found the sound of raindrops calming during meditation. (他发现下雨声在冥想时很令人平静。)
- I always keep a calming herbal tea with me to help reduce stress. (我总是随身带一些镇定的草药茶来帮助减轻压力。)
- The therapist used calming techniques to help the patient relax. (治疗师使用了镇定技巧来帮助病人放松。)
- Her soft voice had a calming effect on the anxious children. (她柔和的声音对焦虑的孩子们有镇定作用。)
- The calming presence of nature helped him find inner peace. (自然的安抚存在帮助他找到内心的平静。)
- Yoga and meditation are known to have calming effects on the mind and body. (瑜伽和冥想被认为对心灵和身体有镇定作用。)
- The calming music played softly in the background as she read her book. (她阅读书籍时,背景里播放着柔和的镇定音乐。)
- The scent of fresh flowers in the room created a calming atmosphere. (房间里新鲜花朵的香气营造出一种宁静的氛围。)
- A warm bath can be calming and help relieve muscle tension. (热水浴可以起到镇定作用,帮助缓解肌肉紧张。)
- The therapist recommended deep breathing exercises for calming the mind. (治疗师建议进行深呼吸锻炼来镇定心灵。)
- She found solace in painting, as it had a calming effect on her emotions. (她通过绘画找到了安慰,因为它对她的情绪有镇定作用。)
- A cup of chamomile tea before bed can have a calming effect and promote sleep. (睡前一杯洋甘菊茶可以起到镇定作用,促进睡眠。)
- The therapist used calming techniques to help the patient overcome anxiety. (治疗师使用了镇定技巧来帮助患者克服焦虑。)
- The sound of rain falling on the roof had a calming effect on her frazzled nerves. (雨水落在屋顶上的声音对她紧张的神经有镇定作用。)
- The calming presence of her best friend helped ease her worries. (她最好的朋友的镇定存在帮助她减轻了担忧。)
- She turned to gardening as a calming hobby to relieve stress after work. (工作后,她把园艺作为一种镇定的爱好来缓解压力。)
- The calming scent of lavender filled the room, creating a peaceful atmosphere. (薰衣草的镇定香气充满了房间,营造出一种宁静的氛围。)
- The therapist recommended a walk in nature for its calming effect on the mind. (治疗师建议在大自然中散步,因为它对心灵有镇定作用。)
- She found comfort in the calming embrace of her loved ones during difficult times. (在困难时期,她在亲人的镇定拥抱中找到了安慰。)