scaling (adj.) 1. 比例的,按比例的例:The scaling factor for the map is 1:10,000. (地图的比例尺是1:10,000。) 2. 逐步增加的
例:The company has experienced scaling profits over the past few years. (过去几年,该公司的利润逐步增加。)
scaling (n.) 1. 缩放,比例调整例:The website design requires careful scaling of images for different screen sizes. (网站设计需要针对不同的屏幕尺寸进行图片的缩放。) 2. (计算机科学)扩展性,可伸缩性
例:The system needs to be designed with scaling in mind to accommodate increasing user demand. (为了适应不断增长的用户需求,系统需要考虑到可伸缩性进行设计。) 3. 剥落,脱落
例:The scaling of paint on the old building's walls is causing concerns. (老建筑物墙壁上的油漆剥落引起了担忧。)
1. scale (n.) 比例尺寸,规模2. rescale (v.) 重新调整比例
3. descale (v.) 去除(水垢等)
4. scale down (v.) 缩小规模
5. scale up (v.) 扩大规模
1. proportion (n.) 比例2. magnitude (n.) 大小,规模
3. resize (v.) 调整大小
4. expand (v.) 扩大
1. fixed (adj.) 固定的2. stable (adj.) 稳定的
scaling (n.) 1. The scaling of something is the act of measuring it to obtain its size, or the act of changing its size. (对某物进行测量以获得其大小或改变其大小的行为。) 2. If you talk about the scaling of something, you are referring to its size or extent, especially when it is very big. (如果你谈论某事物的规模,你指的是它的大小或范围,特别是当它很大时。)牛津词典
scaling (n.) 1. A process of changing the size of something according to a particular scale. (根据特定比例尺寸改变某物大小的过程。) 2. The action or process of removing or reducing the scale on something. (去除或减少某物表面的鳞片的行为或过程。)用法
- The scaling of the model airplane was accurate to the original specifications. (对模型飞机的比例调整与原始规格相符。) - The scaling of the company's operations required additional investment. (公司业务的扩大规模需要额外的投资。) - The scaling process allows the image to fit different screen resolutions. (缩放过程使图片适应不同的屏幕分辨率。) - The scaling of the fish revealed its beautiful pattern. (鱼的鳞片剥落揭示了其美丽的图案。) - The scaling of the map showed the distance between the two cities. (地图的比例尺显示了两个城市之间的距离。)例句
- They are scaling up production to meet the high demand from customers. (他们正在扩大生产以满足客户的高需求。)
- The scaling issue of the website caused images to appear blurry on larger screens. (网站的缩放问题导致在较大的屏幕上图片变得模糊。)
- Scaling down the project will help reduce costs. (缩小项目规模将有助于降低成本。)
- The scaling factor for the architectural model is 1:100. (建筑模型的比例尺是1:100。)
- The scaling of the fish's skin revealed vibrant colors. (鱼鳞的脱落显露出鲜艳的颜色。)
- The company is facing challenges related to scaling its cloud infrastructure. (公司正在应对与扩展云基础设施相关的挑战。)
- They used a special descaling solution to remove the mineral deposits. (他们使用了一种特殊的除垢溶液来去除矿物质沉积物。)
- The scaling of the business required hiring additional staff. (业务的扩大规模需要雇佣额外的员工。)
- Scaling up the production will require investing in new equipment. (扩大生产规模将需要投资购买新设备。)
- The scaling of the data showed a clear trend towards increased sales. (数据的扩展显示了销售额增长的明显趋势。)
- The scaling of the building's facade caused concerns about safety. (建筑物外立面的剥落引起了有关安全的担忧。)
- Scaling the recipe to feed a larger crowd was a challenge. (将食谱按比例扩大以满足更多人的需求是一个挑战。)
- They are working on scaling the application to handle thousands of simultaneous users. (他们正在努力扩展应用程序,以处理成千上万个同时用户。)
- The scaling process of the image preserved its quality and clarity. (图像的缩放过程保留了其质量和清晰度。)
- Scaling the mountain peak was a remarkable achievement for the climbers. (攀登这座山峰对登山者来说是一个了不起的成就。)
- The scaling of the problem required a more comprehensive approach. (解决这个问题的规模要求采取更全面的方法。)
- The scaling of the company's marketing efforts resulted in increased brand awareness. (公司市场营销工作的扩大规模导致品牌知名度的增加。)
- They used a scaling algorithm to adjust the size of the image. (他们使用了一种缩放算法来调整图像的大小。)
- The scaling factor for the model train was carefully calculated. (模型火车的缩放比例经过精确计算。)
- Scaling the data set allowed for more accurate analysis. (对数据集进行缩放使得分析更加准确。)
- The scaling of the sculpture emphasized its intricate details. (雕塑的缩放突出了其复杂的细节。)