形容词 1. 鼓的,鼓声的 名词 1. 鼓,鼓声 2. 鼓声乐器,特指打击乐器中的鼓词语辨析
- drums和drum的区别:drums是drum的复数形式,指多个鼓或鼓组合。词汇扩充
- drumbeat:鼓点,鼓声 - drumstick:鼓槌,鼓棒近义词
- percussion:打击乐器 - snare drum:军鼓 - bass drum:大鼓反义词
- silence:沉默,寂静柯林斯词典
drum (drums, drumming, drummed) 名词 1. A drum is a musical instrument consisting of a hollow round or cylindrical body covered at one or both ends with a tightly stretched skin, which is beaten with the hands or with a stick. 例句:He played the drums in a rock band. 他在一个摇滚乐队中击鼓。 2. Drums are a musical instrument made of a hollow round frame with a skin stretched tightly over one or both ends. 例句:He plays the drums in a jazz band. 他在一个爵士乐队中打鼓。 3. Drums are the parts of a machine that make a noise by hitting a surface. 例句:The drums of the typewriter made a cheerful sound. 打字机的滚筒发出欢快的声音。 动词 1. If you drum on something or if you drum your fingers on something, you hit it several times using your fingers. 例句:She drummed her fingers on the table impatiently. 她不耐烦地用手指敲击着桌子。 2. If rain or hail drums on a surface, it hits it hard and makes a continuous noise. 例句:Rain drummed on the roof. 雨点击打着屋顶。 3. If something drums into you, you hear it or see it many times so that you remember it. 例句:The message has been drummed into them. 这个信息已经反复灌输给他们了。牛津词典
drum (drums, drumming, drummed) 名词 1. A musical instrument sounded by striking a membrane with sticks or the hands, typically cylindrical, barrel-shaped, or bowl-shaped and with a taut membrane over one or both ends. 例句:He began to beat a drum. 他开始敲击鼓。 2. A percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands, typically cylindrical, barrel-shaped, or bowl-shaped, with a taut membrane over one or both ends. 例句:He played the drums in a band. 他在一个乐队中打鼓。 3. A long narrow hill, typically one of a series. 例句:The road crossed a series of drumlins. 这条道路穿过一系列的冰碛丘。 动词 1. Play (a tune) on a drum or drums. 例句:He drummed a marching tune. 他敲击着一支行进曲。 2. Beat (the fingers, feet, etc.) repeatedly, typically as a sign of impatience or annoyance. 例句:He drummed his fingers on the table. 他在桌子上轻敲着手指。 3. Produce (a sound) by or as if by beating a drum. 例句:Rain drummed on the roof. 雨点敲打着屋顶。例句
- He is a skilled drummer and plays the drums in a band. 他是一个技艺高超的鼓手,他在一个乐队中演奏鼓。
- The sound of drums filled the air during the parade. 游行期间,鼓声充满了空气。
- She tapped the drums rhythmically. 她有节奏地敲击着鼓。
- The drummer set a fast tempo on the drums. 鼓手在鼓上定了一个快节奏。
- The drums are an essential part of a marching band. 鼓是军乐队不可或缺的一部分。
- I can hear the distant drums of a celebration. 我能听到远处庆祝的鼓声。
- The drumbeat echoed through the valley. 鼓点在山谷回荡。
- The drumstick struck the snare drum with precision. 鼓槌精确地敲击着军鼓。
- The bass drum provided a deep and powerful sound. 大鼓发出深沉而有力的声音。
- The tribal leader performed a ceremonial dance to the beat of the drums. 部落首领在鼓声的伴奏下表演了一支仪式舞蹈。
- He drummed his fingers on the table impatiently. 他不耐烦地在桌子上敲击着手指。
- The rain continued to drum on the roof all night. 雨点整夜持续敲打着屋顶。
- His mother drummed into him the importance of good manners. 他的母亲不断向他灌输良好礼貌的重要性。
- The message has been drummed into their heads. 这个信息已经被反复灌输给他们了。
- Their team was beaten, but they still drummed up support from their fans. 他们的队伍被击败了,但他们仍然从粉丝中拉拢支持。
- The marketing team is trying to drum up interest in the new product. 市场营销团队正努力激起对新产品的兴趣。
- She drummed out a rhythm on the table with her hands. 她用手在桌子上敲出了一个节奏。
- The hail drummed on the windows, creating a loud noise. 冰雹敲打着窗户,发出巨大的声响。
- Their footsteps drummed on the wooden floor. 他们的脚步声在木地板上回荡。
- The band drummed up excitement with their energetic performance. 乐队通过他们充满活力的表演激发了兴奋感。
- The drums of war could be heard in the distance. 战争的鼓声在远处可听到。
- The drummer's skillful playing added energy to the music. 鼓手熟练的演奏给音乐增添了活力。