flare (adj.)
1. 闪耀的;闪烁的
2. 突然爆发的;猛烈的
3. 鼓起的;张开的
flare (n.)
1. 闪光灯
2. 闪光信号弹
3. 火焰
4. (裤腿)喇叭口
5. 爆发;突然的情感表达
6. (疾病)急性发作
7. (太阳)耀斑
8. (船只)膨胀的船舷
flare up: 突然爆发,燃烧
flare out: 张开,扩展
flare gun: 信号枪
flare path: 闪光指示道
flare stack: 火炬塔
flare-up: 突然发作,爆发
blaze: 燃烧,火焰
glow: 发光,闪耀
radiate: 辐射,发散
dull: 无光泽的,暗淡的
extinguish: 熄灭,扑灭
flare (noun):
1. A flare is a small device that produces a bright flame or smoke, used especially as a signal.
2. A flare is a bright light that is used to attract attention, for example on a vehicle.
3. If a fire or light flares, it suddenly starts to burn or shine more brightly.
4. A flare is a sudden outburst of something such as violence or anger.
5. The flares are the wide ends of a pair of trousers.
6. A flare is a sudden increase in the brightness of a star.
flare (verb):
1. If a fire or light flares, it suddenly starts to burn or shine more brightly.
2. If a situation or emotion flares, it suddenly starts or becomes much stronger.
3. If your nostrils flare, they become wider, for example because you are angry or excited.
4. If something flares, it becomes wider at one end.
5. If a person flares their nostrils, their nostrils become wider, for example because they are angry or excited.
flare (noun):
1. A sudden brief burst of bright flame or light.
2. A device producing a bright flame, used as a signal or to attract attention.
3. A sudden outburst of something, typically brief and angry.
4. A gradual widening, especially of a skirt or pants.
5. A bright light or pattern of light used to attract attention or welcome someone.
6. A bright patch on a horse's forehead between the eyes.
flare (verb):
1. Burn or shine with a sudden intensity.
2. Suddenly become angry or active after a period of inactivity.
3. Gradually become wider at one end.
4. Gradually open or spread out from a rolled or folded state, in particular.
5. If a person's nostrils flare, they become wider, typically as a sign of anger or indignation.
- The flare from the lighthouse guided the ships safely into the harbor.(灯塔上的闪光指引着船只安全进入港口。)
- The flare gun was used to signal for help.(信号枪被用来求救。)
- The fire suddenly flared up and engulfed the entire building.(火突然燃起并吞噬了整座建筑。)
- His anger flared out when he heard the news.(听到这个消息,他的愤怒爆发了。)
- She wore jeans with flares at the bottom.(她穿着下摆呈喇叭口的牛仔裤。)
- The star experienced a massive flare, increasing its brightness significantly.(这颗星星经历了一次大规模的耀斑,亮度显著增加。)
1. The fireworks lit up the sky with brilliant
flares. (烟花点亮了天空,照亮了夜空。)
2. The flare from the lighthouse guided the ships safely into the harbor.(灯塔上的闪光指引着船只安全进入港口。)
3. The hiker used a
flare to signal for help when he got lost in the woods.(这名徒步旅行者在被困在树林里时使用了一个信号弹来求救。)
4. The fire suddenly
flared up and engulfed the entire building.(火突然燃起并吞噬了整座建筑。)
5. The argument between the two friends
flared out and they stopped talking to each other.(两位朋友的争论激烈起来,他们停止了交谈。)
6. The fashion trend of wide-legged pants with
flares has made a comeback.(宽腿喇叭裤的时尚潮流又回归了。)
7. The athlete's
flare of rage resulted in his disqualification from the race.(这位运动员的愤怒爆发导致他被取消比赛资格。)
8. The
flare of sunlight reflected off the water was blinding.(阳光反射在水面上的闪光耀眼。)
9. The star experienced a massive
flare, increasing its brightness significantly.(这颗星星经历了一次大规模的耀斑,亮度显著增加。)
10. The dancer's dress had a
flare at the bottom, making her movements more dramatic.(舞者的裙子下摆呈喇叭状,使她的动作更加戏剧化。)
11. The
flare gun was used to signal for help in the event of an emergency at sea.(信号枪被用来在海上紧急情况下发出求救信号。)
12. The airplane landed safely on the runway illuminated by the
flare path.(飞机安全降落在闪光指示道照亮的跑道上。)
13. The oil refinery had a tall
flare stack emitting flames and smoke.(炼油厂有一个高耸的火炬塔,喷出火焰和烟雾。)
14. The
flare-up of conflict in the region led to increased tensions between the neighboring countries.(该地区的冲突再次升级,导致邻国之间紧张局势加剧。)
15. The doctor prescribed medication to control the
flare-up of the patient's chronic condition.(医生开了药物来控制患者慢性病的急性发作。)
16. The news of the scandal caused a
flare-up of public outrage.(丑闻的消息引发了公众的爆发性愤怒。)
17. She felt her anger
flare as he insulted her in front of everyone.(当他当众侮辱她时,她感到愤怒在内心燃烧。)
18. The dog's nostrils
flared as it caught a whiff of the delicious food.(狗闻到美味的食物时,鼻孔张开。)
19. The dancer's skirt
flared out as she twirled across the stage.(舞者转过舞台时,裙子张开。)
20. The flower
flared open, revealing its vibrant colors.(花朵张开,展示出鲜艳的颜色。)