bundling [ˈbʌndlɪŋ]1. 捆绑的;装在一起的。
bundling [ˈbʌndlɪŋ]1. 捆绑销售;商品捆绑销售;一揽子交易。 2. 捆绑;打包。 3. 线捆绑。
bundle [ˈbʌndl]:指一束东西,通常是一组物品被捆绑在一起。packaging [ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ]:指包装过程或包装材料。
tying [ˈtaɪɪŋ]:指将两个或多个物品用绳子、线或带子等捆绑在一起。
bundle up:把...捆起来;穿厚衣服。bundle off:匆忙离开某地。
package [ˈpækɪdʒ]:指一组物品被包装在一起。pack [pæk]:指将物品放入包装中。
bundling (noun)1. the sale of goods together as part of a package deal.
2. the practice of offering services or products together as a single combined offering.
3. the act of tying or binding something together.
bundling (adjective)
1. relating to the sale or offering of goods or services as a package deal.
bundling (noun)1. the sale of goods in a pack or package.
2. the practice of offering several related products or services as a single combined product or service.
3. the practice of combining different services or features together as part of a package.
bundling (adjective)
1. relating to the sale of goods or services in a bundle or package.
1. They offer bundling discounts for customers who purchase both products together.
2. The company is known for its bundling strategy, combining various services into one package.
3. The bundling of cable and internet services has become common in many households.
4. Please bundle up before heading out in the cold weather.
5. He quickly bundled off the documents and left the office.
6. The bundle of joy arrived last night - a healthy baby boy.
7. The product comes in a neat package with all the necessary accessories.
8. She carefully packed the fragile items in bubble wrap.
9. The two items were tied together with a colorful ribbon.
10. The company is focusing on unbundling its services to provide more options for customers.
- They offer bundling discounts for customers who purchase both products together.(他们为购买两种产品的顾客提供捆绑折扣。)
- The company is known for its bundling strategy, combining various services into one package.(该公司以其捆绑销售策略而闻名,将各种服务组合成一个套餐。)
- The bundling of cable and internet services has become common in many households.(有线电视和互联网服务的捆绑销售在许多家庭中变得很普遍。)
- Please bundle up before heading out in the cold weather.(在寒冷的天气里出门前请穿暖和一点。)
- He quickly bundled off the documents and left the office.(他迅速打包文件离开了办公室。)
- The bundle of joy arrived last night - a healthy baby boy.(快乐的宝宝昨晚出生了,是个健康的男孩。)
- The product comes in a neat package with all the necessary accessories.(这个产品以整齐的包装盒提供,配备了所有必要的配件。)
- She carefully packed the fragile items in bubble wrap.(她小心地用泡沫纸将易碎物品包好。)
- The two items were tied together with a colorful ribbon.(这两件物品用一条彩色丝带捆绑在一起。)
- The company is focusing on unbundling its services to provide more options for customers.(该公司正专注于解除服务的捆绑,为客户提供更多选择。)
- They offer a bundling discount if you purchase the book and DVD together.(如果你购买这本书和DVD,他们会提供捆绑折扣。)
- The bundling of software and hardware is common in the technology industry.(软件和硬件的捆绑销售在科技行业很常见。)
- She bundled up in a warm coat and scarf to brave the winter cold.(她穿上了一件温暖的外套和围巾,冒着寒冷的冬天出门。)
- The bundling of different products into one package can be a cost-effective option for consumers.(将不同产品捆绑在一起成为一个对消费者来说划算的选择。)
- They bundled off the old furniture and donated it to a charity.(他们将旧家具打包捐赠给了慈善机构。)
- She received a bundle of flowers and chocolates for her birthday.(她收到了一束鲜花和一盒巧克力作为生日礼物。)
- The package includes a free trial of the software and a user manual.(这个包装包括软件的免费试用和用户手册。)
- He carefully packed his suitcase with clothes and toiletries.(他小心翼翼地把衣服和洗漱用品装进了行李箱。)
- The two items were tied together with a sturdy knot.(这两件物品用牢固的结绳捆绑在一起。)
- The unbundling of services allows customers to choose only the ones they need.(解除服务的捆绑使客户可以选择他们所需的服务。)
- The company offers a bundling deal where customers can get a phone, internet, and cable package at a discounted price.(该公司提供一项捆绑交易,顾客可以以优惠价格获得电话、互联网和有线电视套餐。)