## thieve ### 中文翻译:盗窃,偷窃,行窃 ### 形容词:thieving(偷窃的) ### 名词:thief(小偷),thievery(盗窃行为) ### 词语辨析: - steal(偷窃):指非法占有他人的财物。 - rob(抢劫):指使用暴力或威胁行为从他人处夺取财物。 - pilfer(小偷小摸):指偷窃小件或少量财物,尤指从他人处偷窃。 - embezzle(挪用):指将他人委托给自己管理的财物据为己有。 ### 词汇扩充: - pickpocket(扒手):指专门偷窃他人口袋中财物的小偷。 - burglar(入室盗窃犯):指侵入他人住宅或建筑物进行盗窃的犯罪分子。 - kleptomaniac(盗窃癖患者):指患有盗窃癖的人,无法控制自己的盗窃欲望。 ### 近义词:steal, rob, pilfer, embezzle ### 反义词:give, donate ### 柯林斯词典解释: **thieve** (verb) If someone thieves, they steal something. *He thieved food and clothing in order to survive.* **thieving** (adjective) If you describe someone as thieving, you mean that they often steal things. *He was a thieving little brat!* **thief** (noun) A thief is a person who steals something from another person or place. *The thief stole my wallet.* **thievery** (noun) Thievery is the crime of stealing. *He was arrested for thievery.* ### 牛津词典解释: **thieve** (verb) [no object] (old-fashioned) Steal something. *He was caught thieving.* **thieving** (adjective) (Of a person or their behavior) inclined to steal; dishonest. *A thieving little rogue.* **thief** (noun) A person who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or threat of violence. *The thieves broke in through a back window.* **thievery** (noun) [uncountable] (formal) The act of stealing; theft. *His thievery was discovered.* ### 用法: - The police caught him **thieving** in a supermarket. - She accused her neighbor of being a **thief** and stealing her jewelry. - The city has seen an increase in **thievery** and burglary cases. - He **thieved** money from his employer and was later arrested. ### 相关例句: 1. He was caught **thieving** from his own family members. 他被抓到从自己家人那里偷窃。 2. The shopkeeper caught the **thief** stealing a bottle of wine. 店主抓住了小偷正在偷一瓶酒。 3. The police are investigating a series of **thievery** incidents in the area. 警方正在调查该地区一系列盗窃事件。 4. The **thieving** squirrel stole all the nuts from my garden. 那只贼猫偷走了我花园里的所有坚果。 5. The **thieve** managed to escape with the stolen goods. 小偷设法带着赃物逃跑了。 6. The victim reported the **thievery** to the police. 受害者向警方报告了盗窃行为。 7. The child was caught **pilfering** candies from the store. 这个孩子被抓到正在商店里偷糖果。 8. She accused him of **embezzling** money from the company. 她指责他从公司挪用钱款。 9. The art gallery was targeted by a group of **burglars** last night. 昨晚,艺术画廊成为一伙盗窃团伙的目标。 10. The old lady's purse was stolen by a **pickpocket** in the crowded market. 在拥挤的市场里,一个扒手偷走了老太太的钱包。 11. The **kleptomaniac** couldn't resist the urge to steal even in a fancy boutique. 那个患有盗窃癖的人,即使在高档精品店里也无法抵挡偷窃的冲动。 12. The shop owner installed security cameras to deter **thieves**. 商店老板安装了监控摄像头以防止小偷行窃。 13. The **thievery** of valuable paintings shocked the art world. 贵重画作的盗窃行为震惊了艺术界。 14. The police arrested a notorious **thief** who had been on the run for years. 警方逮捕了一名多年逃亡的臭名昭著的窃贼。 15. The **thieving** employee was caught stealing office supplies. 这个贼心不死的员工被抓到偷办公用品。 16. The **thieve** was sentenced to five years in prison for his crimes. 这个小偷因犯罪行为被判五年监禁。 17. The victim's family suffered financial loss due to the **thief's** actions. 受害者的家人因小偷的行为而遭受了经济损失。 18. The police recovered the stolen goods from the **thieves** hideout. 警方从小偷的藏匿处找回了被盗物品。 19. The neighborhood has organized a community watch to prevent **thievery**. 居民区组织了一个社区巡逻以防止盗窃行为。 20. The art collector was devastated when he discovered the **thieving** of his prized painting. 这位艺术收藏家发现他珍贵画作的被盗后心如刀绞。