weighted average
- 加权平均的
- 加权平均
weighted average与average的区别在于,weighted average考虑了不同数据的权重,而average则是简单的算术平均。
- unweighted average:简单平均
- weighted mean:加权平均
- weighted mean
- unweighted average
weighted average可以用作形容词或名词,在描述统计学、金融等领域中常被使用。
- The final grade is calculated based on a weighted average of the midterm exam, final exam, and assignments.
- 最终成绩是根据期中考试、期末考试和作业的加权平均计算的。
- The weighted average interest rate on the loan is 5.5%.
- 贷款的加权平均利率为5.5%。
- To calculate the weighted average, multiply each value by its corresponding weight and sum the results.
- 要计算加权平均值,将每个值乘以其相应的权重,然后将结果相加。
- The weighted average cost of capital is an important metric for evaluating investment projects.
- 加权平均资本成本是评估投资项目的重要指标。
- She received a weighted average score of 90% on the exam.
- 她在考试中获得了90%的加权平均分。
- The weighted average price of the stock over the past week was $50.
- 过去一周股票的加权平均价格为50美元。
- By using a weighted average, we can take into account the different importance of each factor.
- 通过使用加权平均,我们可以考虑到每个因素的不同重要性。
- The weighted average of the company's sales shows an upward trend.
- 公司销售额的加权平均值呈上升趋势。
- The weighted average lifespan of the population has increased due to advances in healthcare.
- 由于医疗保健的进步,人口的加权平均寿命有所增加。
- Investors should consider the weighted average return when evaluating different investment options.
- 投资者在评估不同的投资选择时应考虑加权平均回报。
- The weighted average of the data points provides a more accurate representation of the overall trend.
- 数据点的加权平均值更准确地表示了总体趋势。
- By assigning higher weights to more recent data, the weighted average gives greater importance to recent events.
- 通过对最近的数据赋予更高的权重,加权平均值更重视近期事件。
- Students' grades are calculated using a weighted average that considers both exams and coursework.
- 学生的成绩是通过考虑考试和课程作业的加权平均计算的。
- The weighted average rainfall in the region is higher than the national average.
- 该地区的加权平均降雨量高于全国平均水平。
- The weighted average cost of production takes into account the different costs of raw materials.
- 生产成本的加权平均值考虑了不同的原材料成本。
- The study used a weighted average of participants' responses to analyze the survey results.
- 该研究使用参与者回答的加权平均值来分析调查结果。
- By calculating the weighted average GDP growth rate, economists can assess the overall economic performance.
- 通过计算加权平均GDP增长率,经济学家可以评估整体经济表现。
- Investors should consider the weighted average maturity of a bond portfolio when making investment decisions.
- 投资者在做出投资决策时应考虑债券组合的加权平均到期期限。
- The weighted average of the company's stock prices showed a slight decline over the past month.
- 公司股票价格的加权平均值在过去一个月中略有下降。
- The weighted average fuel efficiency of the new car models is higher than the previous models.
- 新车型的加权平均燃油效率高于之前的车型。
- The weighted average cost per unit takes into account both the production cost and the quantity produced.
- 每单位的加权平均成本考虑了生产成本和产量。
- The weighted average score is used to determine the final ranking of the participants.
- 加权平均分数用于确定参与者的最终排名。