中英词典 - "wince"
1. 名词
wince ['wɪns]1. 畏缩;退缩
2. 痛苦的表情或动作
wince 和flinch 都有"畏缩;退缩"的意思,但wince 更强调因痛苦或不愉快而产生的反应,而flinch 更多指因突然的惊吓或出乎意料的事情而退缩。词汇扩充
winced (过去式)wincing (现在分词)
wincingly (副词形式)
2. 形容词
wince ['wɪns]1. 畏缩的;退缩的
2. 痛苦的;令人不快的
1. flinch2. recoil
3. cringe
1. brave2. confront
3. face
wince [wɪns]1. 如果你wince ,你因为疼痛、害怕或不快而突然皱起脸或身体。
2. 如果你wince ,你因为感到难堪、尴尬或尴尬而突然皱起脸或身体。
3. 如果你wince ,你因为感到不愉快、不满或厌烦而突然皱起脸或身体。
wince [wɪns]1. 畏缩;退缩
2. 因疼痛、尴尬或不愉快而突然皱起脸或身体
1. The loud noise made him wince. (那声音太大,让他畏缩了。)2. She couldn't help but wince at his rude comment. (她禁不住因他的粗鲁评论而皱起了眉头。)
3. He winced as the doctor touched the bruised area. (医生触碰到淤青的地方时,他畏缩了一下。)
4. The dog winced at the sound of thunder. (狗听到雷声后退缩了一下。)
5. She gave a little wince when he accidentally stepped on her foot. (当他不小心踩到她的脚时,她畏缩了一下。)
6. His wincing expression showed that he was in pain. (他皱起的表情显示他很痛苦。)
7. The actor's wincingly bad performance was met with disappointment from the audience. (演员糟糕的表演让观众感到失望。)
8. The child's wince look indicated that he didn't enjoy the taste of the medicine. (孩子皱起的表情表明他不喜欢药的味道。)
9. She winced when her friend made a sarcastic comment about her outfit. (当她的朋友对她的服装进行讽刺性的评论时,她皱了皱眉头。)
10. The wince on his face revealed the intensity of his pain. (他脸上的畏缩表明他的痛苦很剧烈。)
11. He winced slightly as he stood up from the chair. (他从椅子上站起来时微微畏缩了一下。)
12. The news of his failure made him wince with disappointment. (他因失败的消息而感到失望而畏缩。)
13. The athlete's wincing expression showed that he was in pain after the injury. (运动员受伤后的畏缩表情显示他很痛苦。)
14. The comedian's wincingly bad jokes made the audience cringe. (喜剧演员糟糕的笑话让观众感到尴尬。)
15. He couldn't help but wince when he tasted the bitter medicine. (尝到苦药后,他忍不住皱起了眉头。)
16. The wince on her face was a clear indication of her displeasure. (她脸上的畏缩清楚地表明了她的不高兴。)
17. The boxer winced as his opponent landed a powerful punch. (拳击手在对手击中一记有力的拳击时畏缩了一下。)
18. She gave a quick wince before getting the flu shot. (在接种流感疫苗之前,她迅速畏缩了一下。)
19. The wince of embarrassment was evident on her face when she tripped on stage. (当她在舞台上绊倒时,她脸上的尴尬表情显而易见。)
20. He winced at the sight of the gruesome injury. (看到那可怕的伤口,他痛苦地畏缩了一下。)