winsome [ˈwɪnsəm] (adj.)
1. 有吸引力的;迷人的:引人注目的,给人愉悦感的。
2. 温文尔雅的;亲切而友好的:态度温和、和蔼可亲的。
winsome [ˈwɪnsəm] (n.)
1. 迷人的人:具有吸引力的人。
2. 温文尔雅的人:态度温和、和蔼可亲的人。
1. winsome与charming的区别:都表示迷人的、吸引人的,但charming更强调魅力和令人陶醉的吸引力。
2. winsome与attractive的区别:都表示有吸引力的,但winsome更强调给人愉悦感、讨人喜欢。
1. winsomely (adv.): 迷人地,愉悦地。
2. winsomeness (n.): 迷人,吸引力。
3. winsomer (adj.): 更迷人的,更吸引人的。
captivating, charming, delightful, enchanting, lovely, adorable, appealing, attractive, engaging, pleasing
unattractive, repulsive, unpleasant, displeasing, off-putting
winsome (adj.)
If you describe someone or something as winsome, you mean that they are attractive or appealing in a gentle and innocent way.
winsome (adj.)
Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way.
- She had a winsome smile that brightened up the room.(她有一个让房间变得明亮的迷人微笑。)
- He played a winsome melody on the guitar.(他用吉他演奏出一曲动听的旋律。)
- They were captivated by her winsome personality.(他们被她迷人的个性所吸引。)
- The little girl's winsome innocence melted everyone's hearts.(小女孩迷人的天真无邪感动了每个人。)
- He had a winsome way of speaking that made people trust him.(他有一种让人信任的迷人说话方式。)
- The cottage had a winsome charm with its flower-filled garden.(小屋因其花园充满了魅力。)
- She possessed a winsome grace that made her a natural on the stage.(她具有一种迷人的优雅,在舞台上行动自然。)
- His winsome nature made it easy for him to make friends.(他迷人的性格使他很容易交朋友。)
- The puppy's winsome eyes begged for attention.(小狗迷人的眼睛乞求着关注。)
- She greeted the guests with a winsome smile and made them feel instantly welcomed.(她以迷人的微笑迎接客人,让他们立刻感到受欢迎。)
- His winsome personality and sense of humor won over everyone he met.(他迷人的个性和幽默感赢得了他遇到的每个人。)
- The artist captured the winsome innocence of childhood in his paintings.(艺术家在他的画作中捕捉到了童年的迷人纯真。)
- Her winsome voice filled the room and brought tears to everyone's eyes.(她迷人的声音充满了房间,让每个人都流下了眼泪。)
- He wore a winsome smile on his face as he received the award.(他脸上带着一个迷人的笑容接受奖项。)
- The garden was filled with winsome flowers of various colors.(花园里种满了各种颜色迷人的花朵。)
- The couple's love story was a winsome tale of romance and adventure.(这对夫妇的爱情故事是一个迷人的浪漫冒险故事。)
- Her winsome personality made her the perfect hostess.(她迷人的个性使她成为了完美的女主人。)
- He had a winsome way of making even the most mundane tasks seem enjoyable.(他有一种让最平凡的任务看起来有趣的迷人方式。)
- The children's winsome innocence brought joy to everyone around them.(孩子们迷人的天真无邪给周围的人带来了快乐。)
- She possessed a winsome charm that made people gravitate towards her.(她具有一种让人向她靠拢的迷人魅力。)
- The film's winsome soundtrack perfectly complemented the romantic storyline.(电影迷人的配乐完美地补充了浪漫的故事情节。)