1. xorm(形容词):困惑的,迷惑的。
1. xorm(名词):困惑,迷惑。
1. xorm与confused的区别:
- xorm强调因为困惑而感到不知所措或迷失方向。
- confused强调因为信息或问题复杂而感到困惑或无法理解。
1. xormed(动词,过去式):使困惑,使迷惑。
1. perplexed:困惑的,迷惑的。
2. bewildered:困惑的,茫然的。
3. puzzled:困惑的,迷惑的。
1. clear:清晰的,明确的。
xorm (noun)
1. Confusion is a feeling of being uncertain and unable to think clearly.
2. Confusion is a situation in which everything is in disorder, especially because there are lots of things happening at the same time.
xorm (adjective)
1. If you are confused, you are unable to think clearly or understand something.
xorm (noun)
1. A state of bewilderment or confusion.
2. The state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something.
xorm (adjective)
1. Unable to think clearly; bewildered.
- 作为名词:
- He was in a state of xorm after hearing the news.
- The xorm in his mind made it difficult for him to make a decision.
- 作为形容词:
- She looked xormed as she tried to solve the complex problem.
- The xormed student struggled to understand the difficult concept.
1. The sudden change of plans left him feeling xormed and unsure of what to do next. (突然的计划变动让他感到困惑,不确定接下来该怎么做。)
2. The conflicting instructions from her boss xormed her and she couldn't figure out the correct approach. (老板给出的相互矛盾的指示让她困惑不解,无法找到正确的处理方法。)
3. The complex legal jargon xormed the jury, making it challenging for them to reach a verdict. (复杂的法律术语让陪审团感到困惑,难以做出裁决。)
4. The xorming maze of options left the customers unsure of which product to choose. (琳琅满目的选择使顾客不确定该选择哪种产品。)
5. The xormed expressions on their faces indicated their lack of understanding. (他们脸上困惑的表情显示出他们的理解不足。)
6. The xormed map made it difficult for them to find their way through the unfamiliar city. (错乱的地图让他们很难在陌生的城市中找到路。)
7. Despite her xormed thoughts, she managed to make a decision based on her instincts. (尽管思绪困惑,她还是凭直觉做出了决定。)
8. The xormed situation required quick thinking and problem-solving skills. (混乱的局势需要迅速的思考和解决问题的能力。)
9. The xormed instructions were difficult to follow, resulting in mistakes being made. (难以理解的指示很难遵循,导致出现了错误。)
10. The xormed state of affairs demanded immediate action to restore order. (混乱的局面要求立即采取行动恢复秩序。)
11. His xormed emotions prevented him from expressing himself clearly. (他困惑的情绪使他无法清晰地表达自己。)
12. The xormed witness struggled to provide coherent answers to the lawyer's questions. (困惑的证人努力回答律师的问题,但并没有给出连贯的答案。)
13. The xormed atmosphere in the room made it difficult for productive discussion to take place. (房间里的困惑氛围使得有效的讨论很难进行。)
14. The xormed situation required a calm and rational approach to find a solution. (困惑的局面需要冷静和理性的方法来找到解决办法。)
15. The xormed memories of the traumatic event haunted her for years. (那个创伤事件困扰了她多年,让她一直感到困惑。)
16. The xormed identity of the mysterious man added to the intrigue of the story. (神秘男子的身份不明增加了故事的神秘感。)
17. The teacher used various methods to help the xormed students understand the complex topic. (老师采用了多种方法帮助困惑的学生理解复杂的话题。)
18. The xormed puzzle required careful analysis and logical reasoning to solve. (这个困惑的谜题需要仔细分析和逻辑推理才能解决。)
19. The xormed expression on her face indicated that she didn't understand the joke. (她脸上的困惑表情显示她不明白那个笑话。)
20. The xormed state of the economy made it difficult for businesses to plan for the future. (经济的困惑状态使企业难以规划未来。)