Xray - 中英词典
1. 名词
1. X光,X射线(n.)
1. She had to get an xray to determine if her arm was broken.(她必须进行X光检查以确定她的手臂是否骨折。)
2. The doctor examined the x-ray to look for any abnormalities.(医生检查了X光片以寻找任何异常。)
2. X光片(n.)
1. The dentist showed me the xray of my teeth.(牙医给我展示了我的牙齿的X光片。)
2. The technician developed the x-ray and displayed it on the screen.(技术人员冲洗了X光片并在屏幕上显示出来。)
2. 形容词
1. X光的(adj.)
1. The doctor ordered an xray examination of the chest.(医生要求对胸部进行X光检查。)
2. The machine emits x-ray radiation.(该机器发射X射线辐射。)
3. 词语辨析
Xray vs. X-ray:
在一般情况下,"xray" 是作为名词使用,表示X光或X光片。而 "x-ray" 则可以作为名词或形容词使用,表示X光或与X射线相关的内容。
4. 词汇扩充
1. x-rayed: X光检查的过去分词形式。
2. x-raying: X光检查的现在分词形式。
5. 近义词
radiography: 放射线摄影
roentgenogram: 伦根片(X光片的旧称)
6. 反义词
opaque: 不透明的
7. 柯林斯词典
1. X-rays are a type of radiation that can pass through most solid materials and provide images of the inside of the body. X-rays are used in medicine to detect and diagnose diseases or injuries.(X射线是一种能穿透大多数坚实物质并提供身体内部图像的辐射。X射线在医学上用于检测和诊断疾病或损伤。)
1. If a person or object is X-rayed, an X-ray photograph is taken of them.(如果一个人或物体被X光检查,会给他们拍一张X光照片。)
8. 牛津词典
1. A form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but of shorter wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases. X-rays are produced artificially by bombarding a metal target with high-speed electrons. They are used in medicine to examine the internal structure of objects and materials.(一种电磁辐射形式,类似于光,但波长较短,能穿透固体并对气体进行电离。X射线通过以高速电子轰击金属靶产生。它们在医学上用于检查物体和材料的内部结构。)
1. Examine or treat (part of the body) by means of X-rays.(通过X射线检查或治疗(身体的一部分)。)
9. 用法
1. 名词用法:
- I need to get an xray of my chest.(我需要对胸部进行X光检查。)
- The doctor examined the x-ray for any fractures.(医生检查了X光片是否有骨折情况。)
2. 动词用法:
- The patient was x-rayed to determine the cause of the pain.(为了确定疼痛的原因,对患者进行了X光检查。)
- The technician is x-raying the object to get a clearer image.(技术人员正在对物体进行X光检查,以获得更清晰的图像。)
10. 相关例句
- She had to get an x-ray to determine if her arm was broken.(她必须进行X光检查以确定她的手臂是否骨折。)
- The doctor examined the x-ray to look for any abnormalities.(医生检查了X光片以寻找任何异常。)
- The dentist showed me the x-ray of my teeth.(牙医给我展示了我的牙齿的X光片。)
- The technician developed the x-ray and displayed it on the screen.(技术人员冲洗了X光片并在屏幕上显示出来。)
- The doctor ordered an x-ray examination of the chest.(医生要求对胸部进行X光检查。)
- The machine emits x-ray radiation.(该机器发射X射线辐射。)
- They took an x-ray of his fractured leg.(他们给他的断腿拍了一张X光片。)
- The technician carefully positioned the patient for the x-ray.(技术人员小心地为患者安排X光检查的位置。)
- An x-ray revealed a small tumor in her lung.(X光片显示她的肺部有一个小肿瘤。)
- The doctor ordered an x-ray to examine the patient's spine.(医生要求进行X光检查以检查患者的脊柱。)
- He was afraid of the x-ray machine.(他害怕X光机器。)
- The technician took multiple x-rays from different angles.(技术人员从不同的角度拍摄了多张X光片。)
- The doctor reviewed the x-ray before making a diagnosis.(医生在作出诊断之前审查了X光片。)
- An x-ray can help detect bone fractures.(X光可以帮助检测骨折。)
- The patient had to remove all metal objects before the x-ray.(患者在进行X光检查前必须移除所有金属物品。)
- The technician adjusted the settings on the x-ray machine.(技术人员调整了X光机器的设置。)
- The doctor explained the findings on the x-ray to the patient.(医生向患者解释了X光片的结果。)
- The x-ray showed a blockage in the patient's arteries.(X光片显示患者动脉有阻塞。)
- She had to wear a lead apron during the x-ray procedure.(她在X光检查过程中必须戴上铅围裙。)
- The technician positioned the x-ray machine to focus on the patient's chest.(技术人员将X光机器定位在患者的胸部。)