1. 熟练的;精通的
- proficient, skilled, knowledgeable, experienced
- 例句:He is an xpert programmer. 他是一位熟练的程序员。
1. 专家;行家
- specialist, authority, guru, master
- 例句:The xpert in this field will give a lecture tomorrow. 这个领域的专家明天将做报告。
2. 老手;能手
- adept, maestro, virtuoso, wizard
- 例句:She is an xpert at playing the piano. 她是一位钢琴演奏的能手。
- xpert vs. proficient: Xpert强调更高的技术水平和专业知识,而proficient更侧重于熟练掌握某项技能。
- xpert vs. specialist: Xpert一词更常用于描述技术上的专家,而specialist更广泛用于各个领域的专家。
- xpert vs. authority: Xpert侧重于技术或领域知识的精通,而authority更倾向于描述对某个领域有权威地位和专业知识的人。
- xpertise: n. 专长;专门知识
- xpertly: adv. 熟练地;精通地
- xpertness: n. 熟练;精通
- skilled: adj. 熟练的
- knowledgeable: adj. 知识渊博的
- experienced: adj. 经验丰富的
- novice: n. 新手;生手
- amateur: n. 业余爱好者;外行
- inexperienced: adj. 无经验的
xpert (ɛkspɜːʳt)
1. 名词
- 专家;行家
2. 形容词
- 熟练的;精通的
xpert (/ˈɛkspəːt/)
1. 名词
- 专家;行家
2. 形容词
- 熟练的;精通的
- "xpert"可以用作名词或形容词。作为名词时,指的是专家或行家;作为形容词时,表示熟练的或精通的。
- 作为名词使用时,通常前面会有定冠词或指示代词。
- 作为形容词使用时,可以修饰各种名词,表示对某个领域或技能有高水平的掌握。
He is an xpert cook. 他是一位熟练的厨师。
The xpert in computer science solved the problem quickly. 计算机科学方面的专家迅速解决了问题。
She is an xpert at playing chess. 她是一位下棋的能手。
The xpert advice helped us make the right decision. 专家的建议帮助我们做出了正确的决定。
His xpert knowledge of literature impressed the audience. 他对文学的专业知识给观众留下了深刻印象。
The company hired an xpert to improve its marketing strategy. 公司聘请了一位专家来改善其营销策略。
The xpert analysis of the data revealed some interesting patterns. 对数据的专业分析揭示出了一些有趣的模式。
She became an xpert in the field after years of study and research. 经过多年的学习和研究,她成为了该领域的专家。
His xpert performance on stage earned him rave reviews. 他在舞台上的出色表现赢得了热烈的好评。
The xpertly crafted sculpture showcased the artist's talent. 那件精心制作的雕塑展示了艺术家的才华。
The xpertness with which he handled the situation impressed everyone. 他处理这种情况的熟练程度给每个人留下了深刻印象。
She demonstrated her xpertise in negotiation during the business deal. 在这笔商业交易中,她展示了她在谈判方面的专长。
The xpertly designed website is user-friendly and visually appealing. 设计精良的网站既用户友好又视觉吸引人。
The xpert panel of judges selected the winning entry. 专家评委团选择了获奖作品。
He spent years honing his xpert skills in martial arts. 他花了多年时间磨练自己在武术方面的高超技巧。
The xpert advice she received helped her excel in her career. 她获得的专家建议帮助她在事业上取得了优秀的成绩。
As an xpert in the field, he is frequently invited to speak at conferences. 作为这个领域的专家,他经常受邀在会议上发表演讲。
The xpertly written report provided valuable insights into the market trends. 那份写得熟练的报告为市场趋势提供了宝贵的见解。
His xpert knowledge of history made him an authority in the academic community. 他对历史的专业知识使他在学术界成为了一位权威。