1. 强力的;用力的
英文释义:characterized by or requiring strong force or effort
- He gave the rope a yanking pull and the boat moved closer to the shore.(他用力拉绳子,船靠近了岸边。)
- The mechanic used a yanking motion to remove the stubborn bolt.(机械师用力的动作拆下了顽固的螺栓。)
1. 猛拉;猛扯
英文释义:a sudden hard pull or jerk
- With a quick yank, she pulled the door open.(她用力一拉,门打开了。)
- He gave the rope a yank and the bell rang loudly.(他用力一拉绳子,铃声响得很大。)
yanking 和 pulling 都表示“拉”的动作,但 yanking 比 pulling 更加强调用力或突然的动作。
1. yank sb's chain:戏弄某人;开某人的玩笑
2. yank sth off:用力地把...从...上拉下来
pull, jerk, tug, wrench
release, let go
yanking is a present participle of yank
英文释义:pull or extract (something) forcefully or with a jerk.
- He yanked the door open.(他猛地把门拉开。)
- She yanked off her jacket.(她猛地把夹克脱掉。)
yanking is the present participle of yank
英文释义:pull (something) forcefully with a jerk.
- He yanked the rope and the bell rang loudly.(他用力一拉绳子,铃声响得很大。)
- She yanked the door open.(她用力一拉门打开了。)
yanking 是动词 yank 的现在分词形式,表示用力、突然地拉、扯或拽。
- She yanked the child away from the busy street.(她猛地把孩子从繁忙的街道上拉开。)
- The dog yanked on its leash, eager to chase after the squirrel.(狗狠狠地拉着牵引带,渴望追赶松鼠。)
- He yanked the weeds out of the ground.(他用力拔出地里的杂草。)
- The player yanked the ball out of the opponent's hand.(运动员将球猛地从对手手中夺过来。)
- She yanked the cord and the curtains closed.(她用力一拉绳子,窗帘合上了。)
- The angry customer yanked the phone cord out of the wall.(愤怒的顾客猛地将电话线从墙上拽了下来。)
- He yanked the stuck drawer with all his strength.(他全力以赴地拉开了卡住的抽屉。)
- The child yanked the toy away from his friend.(孩子猛地把玩具从朋友手中抢走了。)
- She yanked off her gloves and threw them on the ground.(她猛地脱下手套,扔在地上。)
- He yanked the bandage off his arm, causing pain.(他用力把绷带从胳膊上撕下来,引发疼痛。)
- The child yanked at her mother's sleeve, trying to get her attention.(孩子拉着妈妈的袖子,试图引起她的注意。)
- He yanked the door open and stormed out of the room.(他猛地一拉门,愤怒地冲出房间。)
- She yanked the car door closed and started the engine.(她用力一关车门,发动了引擎。)
- The teacher yanked the student's notebook out of his hands.(老师猛地从学生手中夺过笔记本。)
- He yanked the stuck window open, letting in fresh air.(他用力打开了卡住的窗子,让新鲜空气进来。)
- The fisherman yanked the fishing rod, trying to hook the fish.(渔夫用力一拉钓竿,试图钩住鱼。)
- She yanked the necklace off her neck and threw it on the ground.(她用力摘下项链,扔在地上。)
- The child yanked at the door handle, wanting to go outside.(孩子拉着门把手,想要出去。)
- He yanked the plug out of the socket, cutting off the power.(他猛地一拔插头,切断了电源。)
- She yanked the book out of his hands, angry at his behavior.(她生气地从他手中夺过书。)
- The hiker yanked his foot out of the mud, nearly losing his shoe.(徒步旅行者猛地将脚从泥里拔出来,差点丢掉鞋子。)