Yah (n.):A yah is a very posh person who is always talking about their expensive possessions and the exotic holidays they go on. (Source: Collins Dictionary)
Yah (n.):A rich, fashionable young person who enjoys fashionable things and is not interested in serious matters. (Source: Oxford Dictionary)
1. He is such a yah, always showing off his designer clothes. (他是个势利眼,总是炫耀他的名牌衣服。)
2. The party was full of yahs who only cared about appearances. (派对上充满了只关心外表的势利小人。)
3. She acted all yah when she saw the luxurious villa. (她看到那座豪华别墅时表现得非常高兴。)
4. The yahs spent their summer vacation in the most exclusive resorts. (这些喜欢高级享受的人在最独特的度假胜地度过了他们的暑假。)
5. Don't be such a yah and start appreciating the simpler things in life. (别那么势利眼,开始欣赏生活中更简单的事物吧。)
6. She always hangs out with the yahs who think they are better than everyone else. (她总是和那些自以为比其他人更好的势利眼人一起出去。)
7. He is a snob who looks down on people who don't have the same level of wealth as him. (他是个看不起那些财富水平低于他的人的势利小人。)
8. The elitists believe that they are the only ones who deserve the best in life. (精英主义者认为只有他们才配得上生活中最好的东西。)
9. The yah couple always flaunts their expensive cars and luxurious vacations on social media. (这对势利眼夫妇总是在社交媒体上炫耀他们昂贵的汽车和奢华的度假。)
10. The group of yahs gathered at the exclusive club to discuss their latest designer purchases. (这群势利眼聚集在专属俱乐部讨论他们最新的设计师购买。)
11. She is always surrounded by a bunch of yahs who constantly praise her expensive taste. (她总是被一群不断称赞她昂贵品味的势利眼人包围着。)
12. The yah family only stays in five-star hotels when they go on vacation. (这个势利眼的家庭出去度假时只住五星级酒店。)
13. The yahs were seen sipping champagne on their private yacht in the Mediterranean. (这些势利眼人在地中海上的私人游艇上品尝香槟。)
14. She invited all her yah friends to her extravagant birthday party. (她邀请了她所有的势利眼朋友参加她奢华的生日派对。)
15. The fashion magazine is filled with advertisements targeting yahs who want to keep up with the latest trends. (这本时尚杂志充斥着针对那些想紧跟最新潮流的势利眼人的广告。)
16. He looked down on anyone who couldn't afford the yah lifestyle he had grown accustomed to. (他看不起任何无法负担他已经习惯的势利眼生活方式的人。)
17. The yahs spent exorbitant amounts of money on designer clothes and accessories. (这些势利眼人在设计师的衣服和配饰上花费了过多的钱。)
18. She bought a new luxury car just to impress her yah friends. (她买了一辆新的豪华车只是为了给她的势利眼朋友留下深刻印象。)
19. The yah party was filled with extravagant decorations and expensive champagne. (这个势利眼的聚会上充满了奢华的装饰和昂贵的香槟。)
20. He always brags about his yah lifestyle, but deep down he feels empty and unfulfilled. (他总是吹嘘他的势利眼生活方式,但内心深处他感到空虚和不满足。)