相关词汇:大和民族(Yamato people)、大和文化(Yamato culture)、大和政权(Yamato polity)
日本(Japan)、日本人(Japanese)、大和民族(Yamato people)
外国(foreign country)、外国人(foreigner)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
Yamato (noun)
1. the former name of Japan
2. a member of the dominant ethnic group of Japan, esp. of the aristocracy that ruled from Nara in the 8th century
3. a battleship of the Japanese navy, built in 1940 and sunk in 1945
Yamato (adjective)
1. of or relating to the former Japanese province of Yamato, now Nara prefecture, or its inhabitants
2. of or relating to the dominant ethnic group of Japan, the Yamato people
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
Yamato (noun)
1. (also Yamato-damashii) Japanese race or culture, especially as traditionally regarded.
2. the Yamato period.
Yamato (adjective)
1. of or relating to the Japanese people or their culture, especially as traditionally regarded.
2. of or relating to the Yamato period.
- The Yamato dynasty ruled Japan for centuries.(大和王朝统治了几个世纪的日本。)
- Yamato is often used as a poetic term to refer to Japan.(“大和”经常被用作一个诗意的词来指代日本。)
- The Yamato period is known for its cultural achievements.(大和时代以其文化成就而著称。)
- His family has a long line of Yamato ancestry.(他的家族有着悠久的大和血统。)
- She has a deep appreciation for Yamato art.(她深深欣赏大和艺术。)
- Yamato people have a strong sense of national identity.(大和民族有着强烈的民族认同感。)
- He is proud to be Yamato.(他为成为大和人而自豪。)
- The Yamato battleship was a symbol of Japanese naval power.(大和战舰是日本海军实力的象征。)
- She is studying Yamato history at university.(她在大学里学习大和历史。)
- Yamato culture is deeply rooted in Japanese society.(大和文化深深扎根于日本社会。)
- His name reflects his Yamato heritage.(他的名字反映了他的大和血统。)
- The Yamato people have a rich tradition of storytelling.(大和民族拥有丰富的讲故事传统。)
- She wore a traditional Yamato costume for the festival.(她在节日里穿着传统的大和服装。)
- The Yamato language is part of the Japonic language family.(大和语属于日本语系。)
- Yamato cuisine is known for its delicate flavors and presentation.(大和料理以其精致的味道和烹饪技巧而闻名。)
- They celebrated their Yamato identity with a festival.(他们通过一个节日庆祝他们的大和身份。)
- Yamato traditions continue to be passed down through generations.(大和传统通过世代相传。)
- The Yamato period saw the introduction of Buddhism to Japan.(大和时代见证了佛教传入日本。)
- She is a scholar of Yamato history and culture.(她是一位大和历史和文化的学者。)
- Yamato art is characterized by its attention to detail.(大和艺术以其对细节的关注而特色鲜明。)
- He studied the Yamato language to better understand Japanese literature.(他学习大和语以更好地理解日本文学。)