1. 仰光(缅甸最大城市)
2. 扬农(缅甸的货币单位)
1. 仰光的
1. Yangon vs. Mandalay
1. Yangonese (n.):仰光人
2. Yangonization (n.):仰光化
3. Yangonite (n.):仰光居民
1. Rangoon (n.):仰光
2. Yangonese (n.):仰光人
1. Mandalay (n.):曼德勒
Yangon (n.):The former name of the capital of Myanmar, officially known as Yangon, situated in the southern part of the country.
Yangon (n.):The largest city and former capital of Myanmar (Burma), located in the southern part of the country; population 5,761,600 (est. 2009).
1. They visited Yangon during their trip to Myanmar.
2. The Yangonese people are known for their hospitality.
3. The currency in Yangon is the Myanmar Kyat.
- We flew into Yangon and then traveled to Bagan.
- 我们飞往仰光,然后前往蒲甘。
- Yangon is a bustling city with a rich cultural heritage.
- 仰光是一个繁华的城市,拥有丰富的文化遗产。
- The Yangon cuisine offers a delightful blend of flavors.
- 仰光的美食呈现出一种美妙的风味融合。
- She exchanged her dollars for Yangonese Kyats at the bank.
- 她在银行换了一些美元成为仰光币。
- Yangon is known for its stunning pagodas and temples.
- 仰光以其壮观的佛塔和寺庙而闻名。
- During our stay in Yangon, we explored the local markets.
- 在仰光期间,我们探索了当地的市场。
- The Yangonese people are warm and friendly.
- 仰光人热情友好。
- His grandfather grew up in Yangon before moving to the United States.
- 他的祖父在仰光长大,后来搬到了美国。
- Yangon is a vibrant city with a mix of traditional and modern architecture.
- 仰光是一个充满活力的城市,融合了传统和现代建筑。
- The Yangonite community is known for its strong sense of community.
- 仰光人社区以其强烈的社区意识而闻名。
- She aspires to visit Yangon and experience the local culture.
- 她渴望参观仰光,体验当地文化。
- Yangonization has led to rapid urban development in the city.
- 仰光化使得这座城市迅速发展。
- The streets of Yangon are filled with bustling markets and street food vendors.
- 仰光的街道上到处都是熙熙攘攘的市场和街头小吃摊位。
- Yangon's colonial architecture reflects its historical past.
- 仰光的殖民地建筑反映了它的历史过去。
- He bought a traditional Yangonese dress as a souvenir.
- 他买了一件传统的仰光服装作为纪念品。
- Yangon has a tropical climate with hot and humid summers.
- 仰光气候属于热带气候,夏季炎热潮湿。
- She captured the beauty of Yangon in her photographs.
- 她通过摄影捕捉到了仰光的美丽。
- Yangon's street markets are a haven for food lovers.
- 仰光的街头市场是美食爱好者的天堂。
- They explored the ancient temples of Yangon during their visit.
- 他们在参观期间探索了仰光的古老寺庙。
- Yangon's skyline is dominated by towering pagodas.
- 仰光的天际线被高耸的佛塔所主导。