zal /zæl/
1. 忧郁的,悲伤的
2. 暗淡无光的
3. 不幸的,厄运的
zal /zæl/
1. 悲伤,忧郁
2. 倒霉事,厄运
zal 和
sad 都可以表示“悲伤的”,但
zal 更多指内心的忧郁和沮丧,而
sad 更多指外表上的悲伤。
zal 和
sorrow 都可以表示“悲伤”,但
zal 更加强调个人的忧郁情绪,而
sorrow 更常用于描述一般的悲伤情感。
1. 忧伤的 (adj.) - sorrowful
2. 悲痛的 (adj.) - mournful
3. 悲哀 (n.) - grief
4. 绝望 (n.) - despair
5. 忧虑 (n.) - worry
6. 沮丧 (adj.) - dejected
7. 伤心 (adj.) - heartbroken
8. 难过 (adj.) - upset
9. 抑郁 (adj.) - depressed
10. 哀伤 (adj.) - mournful
形容词:sad, dejected, downcast, depressed
名词:sorrow, grief, misery, sadness
形容词:happy, joyful, elated
名词:happiness, joy, delight
zal /zæl/ (形容词)
1. 忧郁的,悲伤的
2. 暗淡无光的
zal /zæl/ (名词)
1. 悲伤,忧郁
2. 倒霉事,厄运
zal /zæl/ (形容词)
1. 悲伤的,忧郁的
2. 不幸的,厄运的
zal /zæl/ (名词)
1. 悲伤,忧郁
2. 倒霉事,厄运
- He had a
zal expression on his face. 他脸上露出忧郁的表情。
- The room was lit with a
zal light. 房间里有一种暗淡无光的灯光。
- She couldn't shake off the
zal that had enveloped her. 她无法摆脱笼罩在她身上的忧郁。
- It's been a day full of
zal. 这是一天充满厄运的日子。
1. The movie ended on a
zal note, leaving the audience in tears. (这部电影以悲伤的音符结束,令观众泪流满面。)
2. The old man had a
zal look in his eyes, as if carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. (老人眼中有着忧郁的神情,仿佛背负着整个世界的重量。)
3. The
zal atmosphere in the room made it difficult to breathe. (房间里忧郁的氛围让人喘不过气来。)
4. She couldn't help but feel
zal after receiving the bad news. (收到坏消息后,她不禁感到悲伤。)
5. The
zal melody of the song touched the hearts of everyone in the audience. (歌曲的忧郁旋律触动了观众每个人的心。)
6. Despite her
zal circumstances, she managed to find some moments of happiness. (尽管处境不幸,她仍设法找到一些快乐的时刻。)
7. The dark and
zal room gave off a sense of despair. (昏暗而悲伤的房间散发出一种绝望的感觉。)
8. He couldn't escape the
zal that followed him wherever he went. (无论他走到哪里,都无法逃避跟随着他的忧郁。)
9. The play depicted the
zal of a broken family. (这个剧本描绘了一个破碎家庭的悲伤。)
10. The news of her friend's accident filled her heart with
zal. (得知朋友出事的消息让她心中充满了悲伤。)
11. The
zal in his voice was evident as he spoke about his lost love. (他提到失去的爱时,声音中的忧郁是显而易见的。)
12. The painting captured the
zal of a rainy day. (这幅画捕捉到了一个雨天的忧郁。)
13. She couldn't shake off the
zal that had been weighing her down. (她无法摆脱一直压在她身上的忧伤。)
14. The
zal on her face was a reflection of her inner struggles. (她脸上的忧郁是内心挣扎的映照。)
15. The
zal in his eyes revealed a deep sense of loss. (他眼中的忧郁透露出一种深深的失落感。)
16. The
zal in the air was palpable, making it difficult to find joy in the surroundings. (空气中弥漫着一种明显的忧郁,使人难以在周围找到快乐。)
17. The
zal of the situation weighed heavily on her, causing sleepless nights. (情况的忧郁让她负重前行,导致了无眠之夜。)
18. The
zal news spread quickly, casting a shadow over the whole town. (悲伤的消息迅速传开,给整个城镇笼罩了一层阴影。)
19. The
zal expression on his face revealed the pain he was going through. (他脸上的忧郁表情显示了他正在经历的痛苦。)
20. Despite the
zal that surrounded her, she managed to find moments of happiness. (尽管她周围充满了悲伤,她还是设法找到了一些快乐的时刻。)