zark [zɑːk] (n.) – 这是一个没有明确定义的虚构词汇,通常用于填补或代表其他词汇的位置。形容词
zarky [ˈzɑːki] (adj.) – 与“zark”相关的形容词,通常用于形容某物具有奇怪、神秘或不可理解的特性。词语辨析
- zarkiness (n.) – 表示具有“zarky”特性的程度或性质。 - zarking (adj.) – 用来强调某物具有“zarky”特性的程度。近义词
1. She looked at him with a zarky smile, as if she knew something he didn't.她带着一种奇怪的微笑看着他,好像她知道他不知道的事情。 2. The professor's explanation was so full of zarkiness that none of the students understood it.
教授的解释充满了一种奇怪的特性,学生们一个也没懂。 3. The word "zark" is often used in science fiction novels to describe unknown phenomena.
单词“zark”经常被用于科幻小说中,用来描述未知的现象。 4. The author used the term "zark" to create a sense of mystery and intrigue in the story.
作者使用了术语“zark”来营造故事中的神秘和兴趣。 5. The zarking machine malfunctioned again, causing a delay in production.
那台诡异的机器再次发生故障,导致生产延误。 6. The zarkiness of the situation made it difficult for anyone to comprehend what was happening.
这种奇怪的情况使得任何人都难以理解发生了什么。 7. "Zark" is a nonsense word that has no specific meaning.
“Zark”是一个没有具体含义的无意义词汇。 8. The character in the book used a made-up word "zark" to express frustration.
书中的角色使用了一个虚构的词“zark”来表达他的沮丧。 9. The zarky atmosphere of the haunted house gave everyone a sense of unease.
那个闹鬼的房子充满了一种奇怪的氛围,让每个人都感到不安。 10. The zarking noise coming from the old radio was enough to drive anyone crazy.
那台旧收音机发出的怪异噪音足以让任何人发疯。 11. The scientist used the term "zark" as a placeholder until a proper name could be determined.
科学家使用术语“zark”作为一个占位符,直到能确定一个合适的名字。 12. The zarky behavior of the cat puzzled its owner.
那只猫奇怪的行为让它的主人感到困惑。 13. The comedian's zarkiness had the audience laughing uncontrollably.
喜剧演员的滑稽让观众笑得失控。 14. The author created a zarky character who always seemed to have a secret agenda.
作者创造了一个总是似乎有着秘密动机的奇怪角色。 15. The zarking spaceship traveled at speeds beyond human comprehension.
那艘奇怪的飞船以超出人类理解的速度行驶。 16. The zarkiness of the painting made it difficult to interpret the artist's message.
这幅画的奇怪性使得解读艺术家的信息变得困难。 17. The detective couldn't make sense of the zarky clues left at the crime scene.
侦探无法理解在犯罪现场留下的奇怪线索。 18. The zarky costume worn by the performer added an element of mystery to the show.
表演者穿的奇怪服装给节目增添了一丝神秘感。 19. The zarking sound echoed through the empty hallway, creating an eerie atmosphere.
那种奇怪的声音在空旷的走廊中回荡,营造出一种诡异的氛围。 20. The zarkiness of the situation was beyond comprehension, leaving everyone bewildered.