形容词 (Adjective)
1. 爱吵闹的
Definition: 喜欢或经常制造噪音、吵闹的。
Translation: noisy; fond of making noise or being loud.
- 她总是在傍晚时分放着音乐,吵闹得我无法专心工作。
- She always plays music in the evening, which makes it difficult for me to concentrate on work.
2. 暴躁的
Definition: 性情易怒、脾气不好的。
Translation: irritable; having a bad temper.
- 他今天心情不好,对每个人都很暴躁。
- He's in a bad mood today and is irritable towards everyone.
名词 (Noun)
1. 吵闹声
Definition: 强烈或刺耳的声音。
Translation: noise; loud or harsh sound.
- 那个工地里的吵闹声持续了整整一个星期。
- The noise from the construction site lasted for a whole week.
2. 吵架
Definition: 口头或身体上的冲突。
Translation: quarrel; verbal or physical conflict.
- 大街上发生了一场严重的吵架,需要警察介入。
- There was a serious quarrel on the street that required police intervention.
词语辨析 (Differentiation)
Zank vs. Lärm
Both words mean "noise" in English, but "zank" is more commonly used to describe loud and harsh sounds, while "Lärm" is a more general term for any kind of noise.
- 工厂里机器的噪音是如此之大,让人无法忍受。
- The noise of the machines in the factory is so loud that it's unbearable.
- 这个小镇的夜晚总是充满了各种各样的噪音。
- The nights in this town are always filled with various noises.
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
1. 喧哗 (xuān huá)
Definition: 喧闹声。
Translation: clamor; noisy shouting or laughing.
- 广场上人声鼎沸,一片喧哗声。
- The square was bustling with noise and clamor.
2. 喧嚣 (xuān xiāo)
Definition: 喧闹、吵嚷。
Translation: uproar; noisy and chaotic situation.
- 这座城市的喧嚣从未停息过。
- The uproar in this city never stops.
近义词 (Synonyms)
喧闹 (xuān nào)
Translation: noisy; bustling; clamorous.
反义词 (Antonyms)
宁静 (níng jìng)
Translation: peaceful; tranquil.
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
zank (verb)
Definition: to quarrel or argue.
- They zanked about politics all night.
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
zank (noun)
Definition: a quarrel or argument.
- The siblings had a zank over who would get the last piece of cake.
用法 (Usage)
Zank can be used as both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it describes someone or something that is noisy or irritable. As a noun, it refers to noise or quarrels. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to quarrel or argue.
相关例句 (Example Sentences)
- 我无法忍受她那吵闹的声音。
- I can't stand her noisy voice.
- 他的脾气暴躁,经常对别人发脾气。
- He has an irritable temper and often gets angry at others.
- 孩子们在花园里玩闹,发出一阵阵欢笑声。
- The children were playing and laughing in the garden.
- 他们因为一点小事就吵了起来。
- They started quarreling over a small matter.
- 这个地区的噪音污染非常严重。
- The noise pollution in this area is very severe.
- 他们之间的争吵持续了好几个小时。
- Their argument lasted for several hours.
- 尽管大家都在喧哗,但他保持沉默。
- Despite the clamor, he remained silent.
- 在这个喧嚣的城市中,我很想找一个宁静的地方。
- In this bustling city, I really want to find a peaceful place.
- 他们一整晚都在争吵政治问题。
- They zanked about politics all night.
- 兄妹俩因为最后一块蛋糕而吵了一架。
- The siblings had a zank over who would get the last piece of cake.