1. 早的;早晨的;晨间的• early; morning; in the morning
I get up at six every morning. 2. 早熟的;早产的
• early maturing; premature
This variety of fruit grows quickly and is an early maturing variety. 3. 早期的;初期的
• early; initial; in the early stage
He joined the company in its early stages.
1. 早晨;早上• morning
I go for a morning run every day. 2. 朝;早晨;早间
• morning; dawn
The whole valley is beautiful when the sun rises.
1. 早上 vs. 上午• 早上:指一天的开始,凌晨到中午前的一段时间。
• 上午:指早晨到中午十二点以前的一段时间。
I usually get up at 6 in the morning, but today I slept in until 10 in the morning. 2. 早期 vs. 早年
• 早期:指某个事物发展的初期阶段。
• 早年:指某人年轻时的一段时间。
This company faced some difficulties in its early stages, but it gradually grew stronger through the efforts in its early years.
1. 早餐(zǎo cān):breakfast2. 早退(zǎo tuì):leave early; leave before the end
3. 早市(zǎo shì):morning market
4. 早教(zǎo jiào):early childhood education
5. 早衰(zǎo shuāi):premature aging
早晨(zǎo chén):morning清晨(qīng chén):early morning
晨间(chén jiān):morning
黎明(lí míng):dawn
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
zao (adjective)1. (时间) early
2. (早熟的) early maturing
zao (noun)
1. (时间) morning
2. (朝) dawn
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
zao (adjective)1. (时间) early
2. (早产的) premature; untimely
3. (早熟的) precocious
4. (学期) first
5. (时期) early; initial
zao (noun)
1. (时间) morning
2. (朝) dawn
1. 早上六点我去散步。I go for a walk at six in the morning. 2. 这个孩子很早熟,比同龄人更聪明。
This child is very precocious and smarter than peers. 3. 我通常在早晨喝一杯咖啡来提神。
I usually have a cup of coffee in the morning to wake up. 4. 他是我们公司的早期投资者之一。
He is one of the early investors in our company.
1. 我每天早上六点起床。I get up at six every morning. 2. 早上好!
Good morning! 3. 我喜欢早晨的阳光。
I love the morning sunlight. 4. 鸟儿在黎明时分开始歌唱。
Birds start singing at dawn. 5. 他是公司的早期员工之一。
He is one of the early employees of the company. 6. 我们计划早退一小时,提前开始周末。
We plan to leave early by an hour and start the weekend ahead. 7. 早市上有很多新鲜的蔬菜和水果。
There are many fresh vegetables and fruits in the morning market. 8. 早教对儿童发展非常重要。
Early childhood education is very important for children's development. 9. 她由于早衰,看起来比实际年龄大很多。
Due to premature aging, she looks much older than her actual age. 10. 他每天都早晨锻炼身体。
He exercises his body every morning. 11. 我喜欢早晨的安静和宁静。
I enjoy the peace and tranquility of the morning. 12. 阳光在早晨时照在窗户上,让房间变得温暖。
The sunlight shines on the window in the morning, making the room warm. 13. 他是早熟的作家,年纪轻轻就取得了很大的成就。
He is a precocious writer who has achieved great success at a young age. 14. 早期的努力为公司的成功打下了基础。
The early efforts laid the foundation for the success of the company. 15. 她在早年就展示出了音乐天赋。
She showed musical talent in her early years. 16. 早上六点是我最喜欢的时间,它给我一个安静的开始。
Six in the morning is my favorite time, it gives me a quiet start. 17. 我们需要在早晨开会讨论计划。
We need to have a meeting in the morning to discuss the plans. 18. 太阳刚升起的时候,整个山谷都很美丽。
The whole valley is beautiful when the sun rises. 19. 他每天早晨都会喝一杯果汁。
He has a glass of juice every morning. 20. 我计划明天早上去购物中心。