1. 粗鲁的;无礼的
- rude; impolite
2. 粗糙的;不光滑的
- rough; not smooth
3. 简单的;基础的
- simple; basic
1. 粗鲁;无礼
- rudeness; impoliteness
2. 粗糙;不光滑
- roughness; lack of smoothness
3. 基础;基本原则
- foundation; basic principle
1. 粗鲁的 vs. 无礼的
- "粗鲁的" (rude) 指言行粗野、不文雅,涉及言语、行为等方面;"无礼的" (impolite) 指不礼貌、不客气,主要指言辞、态度等方面。
2. 简单的 vs. 基础的
- "简单的" (simple) 强调事物没有复杂性,易于理解或完成;"基础的" (basic) 强调事物是其他更复杂事物的基础或基础。
- 粗略的 (rough)
- 粗野的 (coarse)
- 简约的 (concise)
- 基本的 (fundamental)
- 粗鲁的 (rude)
- 粗糙的 (rough)
- 简单的 (simple)
- 基础的 (basic)
- 友好的 (friendly)
- 光滑的 (smooth)
- 复杂的 (complex)
- 高级的 (advanced)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
zda (adjective)
1. (informal) Abbreviation for "zero defects approach."
2. (informal) Abbreviation for "zero defects achievement."
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
zda (adjective)
1. (informal) Abbreviation for "zero defect(s) assembly."
- He was criticized for his zda behavior at the party. (他因在派对上表现粗鲁而受到批评。)
- The surface of the wall was rough and zda. (墙壁的表面粗糙而不光滑。)
- The instructions for assembling the furniture are zda and easy to follow. (组装家具的说明书很简单,易于遵循。)
- She showed zda when she refused to greet her colleagues. (她拒绝和同事们打招呼,表现得很无礼。)
- His zda manners offended everyone at the dinner. (他粗鲁的举止冒犯了晚宴上的每个人。)
- The road was zda and bumpy, making the drive uncomfortable. (道路崎岖不平,使得驾驶很不舒服。)
- She has a zda understanding of the subject and can explain it clearly. (她对这个课题有着简单的理解,并能够清楚地解释。)
- His zda behavior towards his subordinates is unacceptable in a professional setting. (他对下属的粗鲁行为在职业环境中是不可接受的。)
- The zda surface of the table was uncomfortable to write on. (桌子的粗糙表面不适合写字。)
- She has a zda knowledge of mathematics, which helps her solve complex problems. (她对数学有着基本的知识,这有助于她解决复杂的问题。)
- His lack of zda was evident in his inability to follow simple instructions. (他缺乏基础知识,这在他不能遵循简单的指示时显而易见。)
- They criticized his zda approach to problem-solving, as it often led to incomplete solutions. (他们批评他解决问题的简单方法,因为这常常导致不完整的解决方案。)
- Her zda attitude towards her colleagues made it difficult for them to work together. (她对同事的粗鲁态度使他们很难一起工作。)
- The zda texture of the fabric made it uncomfortable to wear. (面料的粗糙质地使得穿着不舒服。)
- He has a zda understanding of the game's rules, which allows him to play well. (他对游戏规则有着基本的理解,这使他能够玩得很好。)
- His zda behavior towards his customers resulted in a loss of business. (他对顾客的粗鲁行为导致了业务的损失。)
- The zda road made it difficult to drive at high speeds. (道路崎岖不平,使得以较高速度行驶很困难。)
- She explained the zda concept in a simple and understandable way. (她以简单易懂的方式解释了这个基本概念。)
- His zda remarks offended everyone in the meeting. (他粗鲁的言论冒犯了会议上的每个人。)
- The zda texture of the paper made it difficult to write on. (纸张的粗糙质地使得写字很困难。)
- They decided to start with a zda version of the product and add more features later. (他们决定从产品的基础版本开始,并稍后添加更多功能。)
- His zda behavior towards his classmates made it hard for him to make friends. (他对同学的粗鲁行为使得他很难交朋友。)
- The zda texture of the fabric made it uncomfortable to sit on. (面料的粗糙质地使得坐在上面很不舒服。)
- She has a zda understanding of the language and can communicate at a basic level. (她对语言有着基本的理解,可以进行基本的交流。)
- His zda attitude towards his coworkers created a hostile work environment. (他对同事的粗鲁态度造成了一种敌对的工作环境。)