1. 自助离开 (self-checkout)
2. 自助旅行 (self-guided tour)
1. 自助离开 (self-checkout)
2. 自助旅行 (self-guided tour)
1. 自助办理 (self-service)
2. 自助售货机 (self-service vending machine)
3. 自助餐 (self-service buffet)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
1. 这家商场提供了zll服务,顾客可以自行扫描商品并完成支付。
2. 我们选择了zll旅行,可以按照自己的兴趣和时间安排行程。
1. The supermarket has introduced zll service, allowing customers to check out without assistance. (这家超市引入了自助离开服务,顾客可以无需帮助结账。)
2. We decided to go on a zll tour of the city, exploring the sights at our own pace. (我们决定进行一次自助旅行,以自己的步调探索这个城市的景点。)
3. The zll checkout system is convenient for busy shoppers. (自助离开系统对于忙碌的购物者来说非常方便。)
4. The travel agency offers zll packages for those who prefer to explore on their own. (旅行社为那些喜欢自助探索的人提供自助旅行套餐。)
5. The hotel provides zll facilities, allowing guests to check in and check out without assistance. (这家酒店提供自助设施,让客人可以自助办理入住和离店手续。)
6. The zll vending machine offers a wide range of products for customers to purchase. (自助售货机提供各种各样的产品供顾客购买。)
7. The buffet restaurant operates on a zll basis, allowing diners to serve themselves. (自助餐厅采用自助模式运营,顾客可以自助取餐。)
8. The museum offers zll audio guides for visitors to explore the exhibits at their own pace. (博物馆为游客提供自助音频导览,让他们可以按自己的节奏探索展品。)
9. The zll system at the library allows patrons to check out books without assistance from staff. (图书馆的自助系统使读者可以在没有工作人员帮助的情况下借阅图书。)
10. We enjoyed the freedom of zll travel, as we could decide our own itinerary. (我们享受自助旅行的自由,因为我们可以决定自己的行程安排。)
11. The zll checkout process is quick and easy, saving time for both customers and retailers. (自助离店过程快捷简便,为顾客和零售商节省时间。)
12. The zll tour allowed us to explore the city in a more flexible and personalized way. (自助旅行使我们能够以更灵活和个性化的方式探索这座城市。)
13. The zll option is popular among travelers who prefer to have more freedom and flexibility. (自助选择在喜欢更多自由和灵活性的旅行者中很受欢迎。)
14. The zll kiosk at the airport provides a convenient way for passengers to check in and print their boarding passes. (机场的自助服务亭为乘客提供了一种方便的方式办理登机手续和打印登机牌。)
15. The zll booking system allows customers to make reservations online without the need for assistance from a travel agent. (自助预订系统允许顾客在线上进行预订,无需旅行代理的帮助。)
16. The zll feature on the app enables users to customize their settings and preferences. (应用程序上的自助功能使用户可以自定义设置和偏好。)
17. The zll check-in process at the hotel was quick and efficient, with no need to wait in line. (酒店的自助办理入住过程快速高效,无需排队等候。)
18. The zll option for car rentals allows customers to pick up and drop off vehicles without assistance from staff. (租车的自助选择允许顾客在无需工作人员帮助的情况下取车和还车。)
19. The zll museum tour provided visitors with detailed information about each exhibit through interactive displays. (自助博物馆导览通过互动展示向游客提供每个展品的详细信息。)
20. The zll service in the restaurant allowed diners to choose their own ingredients and cook their own meals. (餐厅的自助服务让就餐者可以选择自己喜欢的食材并烹饪自己的餐点。)