1. 脏的;肮脏的
(词汇扩充)filthy, grimy, grubby
(柯林斯词典)[informal, disapproval] If you describe something as zob, you mean that it is dirty and unpleasant. (英 [非正式,贬义]) 如果你把某事物描述为zob,那说明它又脏又令人不快。
(牛津词典)BRITISH, VERY INFORMAL, DISAPPROVING: Dirty or unpleasant. (英国非常非正式,贬义) 脏的或不愉快的。
The kitchen was zob, with piles of unwashed dishes in the sink. (厨房很脏,水槽里堆满了未洗的碗。)
He refused to sit on the zob couch. (他不愿坐在那个肮脏的沙发上。)
1. 阴茎;阳物
(词汇扩充)penis, cock, dick
(柯林斯词典)[vulgar, slang] In British English, zob is a slang word for penis. (粗俗,俚语) 在英国英语中,zob是指阴茎的俚语。
(牛津词典)BRITISH, VULGAR, SLANG: A slang term for penis. (英国,粗俗,俚语) 阴茎的俚语。
He's always talking about his zob. (他总是谈论他的阳物。)
She laughed when he made a joke about his zob. (当他开玩笑说到他的阴茎时,她笑了。)
The room was zob and smelled of stale beer. (房间很脏,散发着呛人的啤酒气味。)
I can't believe he touched that zob toilet seat. (我无法相信他碰了那个肮脏的马桶座儿。)
She wore a zob dress to the party, which raised a few eyebrows. (她穿了一件有点儿肮脏的连衣裙去参加派对,引起了一些不满的眼神。)
He was fired from his job for making zob remarks about his female colleagues. (他因为对女同事说出肮脏的话而被解雇。)
The children played in the zob park, not caring about the mud and dirt. (孩子们在脏兮兮的公园里玩耍,不在乎泥巴和灰尘。)
The dog rolled in a pile of zob garbage and came out stinking. (狗在一堆肮脏的垃圾里打了个滚,然后闻起来很臭。)
He decided to clean up the zob garage and get rid of all the junk. (他决定把肮脏的车库清理干净,把所有的垃圾清除掉。)
The zob car was parked in the driveway, covered in dust and grime. (肮脏的汽车停在车道上,布满灰尘和污垢。)
She refused to go into the zob restaurant, as it had a reputation for health code violations. (她拒绝进入那家肮脏的餐馆,因为它以违反卫生规定而闻名。)
He wiped his hands on his zob jeans, leaving a trail of dirt. (他用肮脏的牛仔裤擦了擦手,留下一道污迹。)
The zob pond was filled with algae and had a foul smell. (肮脏的池塘里长满了藻类,散发着难闻的气味。)
She couldn't stand the zob smell in the room and opened a window. (她受不了房间里的肮脏气味,打开了窗户。)
He stepped in a zob puddle and got mud all over his shoes. (他踩进一个肮脏的水坑,鞋子上都是泥。)
The zob bathroom had not been cleaned in weeks and was a breeding ground for bacteria. (肮脏的浴室已经好几个星期没清理了,是细菌滋生的温床。)
She cleaned the zob windows until they sparkled and shone. (她把肮脏的窗户清洁得闪闪发光。)
He accidentally spilled coffee on his zob shirt and had to change. (他不小心把咖啡洒在肮脏的衬衫上,不得不换掉。)
The zob kitchen was a mess, with food scraps and dirty dishes everywhere. (肮脏的厨房一片混乱,到处都是食物残渣和脏盘子。)
She refused to eat at the zob restaurant, as the kitchen looked unsanitary. (她拒绝在那家肮脏的餐馆里就餐,因为厨房看起来不卫生。)
He had to wash his hands several times to get rid of the zob grease. (他不得不洗手几次才能去掉油污。)
The zob streets were littered with trash and debris after the parade. (游行结束后,肮脏的街道上到处都是垃圾和碎片。)
She couldn't believe the zob conditions in the public restroom and decided to hold it until she got home. (她无法相信公共洗手间的肮脏状况,决定忍到回家再上厕所。)