1. 十二宫图,黄道十二宫
- According to the zodiac, I am a Leo.
- 根据黄道十二宫,我是狮子座的。
2. 十二星座
- My zodiac sign is Taurus.
- 我是金牛座。
1. 十二宫的
- The zodiacal constellations are important in astrology.
- 黄道星座在占星术中很重要。
1. constellation vs. zodiac
- I can see the Orion constellation in the night sky.
- 我可以在夜空中看到猎户座。
- According to the zodiac, I am a Libra.
- 根据十二星座,我是天秤座。
1. (astrology) 十二宫图,黄道十二宫
2. 十二星座
1. (astrology) 十二宫图,黄道十二宫
2. 十二星座
1. 根据黄道十二宫,每个人都有一个对应的星座。
2. 黄道十二宫在占星术中扮演重要角色。
- According to the Chinese zodiac, 2022 will be the Year of the Tiger.
- 根据中国的生肖,2022年将是虎年。
- The zodiac signs are believed to influence personality traits.
- 相信十二星座会影响个性特征。
- She consulted an astrologer to learn more about her zodiac chart.
- 她咨询了占星师,想要了解更多关于她的黄道图。
- Many people read their daily horoscope to see what the zodiac predicts for them.
- 很多人阅读每日星座运势,想知道黄道星座对他们的预测。
- My zodiac sign is Sagittarius, which is known for being adventurous.
- 我是射手座,以冒险精神而闻名。
- He was born under the sign of Pisces, the last zodiac sign.
- 他出生在双鱼座,黄道星座中的最后一个星座。
- According to the zodiac, people born under the sign of Cancer are known for their nurturing nature.
- 根据黄道星座,巨蟹座的人以他们的养育本性而闻名。
- The zodiacal constellations are visible in the night sky.
- 黄道星座在夜空中可见。
- They studied the zodiac for clues about the future.
- 他们研究黄道星座,寻找未来的线索。
- Her necklace featured a pendant with the symbol of her zodiac sign.
- 她的项链上有一个吊坠,上面刻着她的星座符号。
- They celebrated the Chinese New Year by decorating their house with zodiac-themed decorations.
- 他们通过用生肖主题的装饰品装点房子来庆祝中国新年。
- The zodiac wheel represents the cycle of life and the passage of time.
- 黄道轮代表生命的循环和时间的流逝。
- She believes in the power of astrology and regularly checks her zodiac forecast.
- 她相信占星术的力量,并定期查看自己的星座预测。
- The zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, each corresponding to a specific month of the year.
- 黄道被划分为十二个相等的部分,每个部分对应一年中的特定月份。
- People born under the zodiac sign of Aries are often described as confident and ambitious.
- 出生在白羊座的人通常被描述为自信和雄心勃勃。
- She enjoys reading books on astrology and learning about the different zodiac signs.
- 她喜欢阅读有关占星术的书籍,了解不同的星座。
- Her zodiacal predictions for the year turned out to be surprisingly accurate.
- 她对该年的黄道预测结果出奇的准确。
- He had a tattoo of his zodiac symbol on his forearm.
- 他在前臂上有一个他的星座符号的纹身。
- They consulted an astrologer to determine the compatibility of their zodiac signs.
- 他们咨询了一个占星师,以确定他们星座的相容性。
- In Chinese culture, the zodiac is often associated with certain personality traits and characteristics.
- 在中国文化中,黄道常与特定的个性特征和特点相关联。
- She was born on the cusp between two zodiac signs, which made her personality a unique blend of both.
- 她出生在两个星座之间的交界处,使她的个性成为两者的独特结合。