1. 名词
zombi [ˈzɒmbi] (also zombie)
- 【宗教】僵尸
- 【民间传说】尸鬼
- 【非正式】行尸走肉;木讷无趣的人
zombify [ˈzɒmbɪfaɪ] (v.) 使成为僵尸;使呆滞无神
zombielike [ˈzɒmbiˌlaɪk] (adj.) 僵尸一般的;无生气的
undead [ʌnˈdɛd] (n.) 不死生物;行尸走肉
living dead [ˈlɪvɪŋ dɛd] (n.) 活死人;行尸走肉
living [ˈlɪvɪŋ] (n.) 活着的人;生活
2. 形容词
zombi [ˈzɒmbi] (also zombie)
- 【宗教】僵尸的;尸鬼的
- 【非正式】木讷无趣的;呆滞无神的
zombified [ˈzɒmbɪfaɪd] (adj.) 成为僵尸的;呆滞无神的
zombielike [ˈzɒmbiˌlaɪk] (adj.) 僵尸一般的;无生气的
undead [ʌnˈdɛd] (adj.) 不死的;行尸走肉的
lifeless [ˈlaɪfləs] (adj.) 无生气的;死气沉沉的
lively [ˈlaɪvli] (adj.) 活泼的;有生气的
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
zombi (ˈzɒmbi)
- noun
- 1. (in voodoo) a soulless corpse, animated by a supernatural force, that is believed to have returned from the grave to haunt the living
- 2. (informal) a person who is or appears lifeless, apathetic, or completely unresponsive to their surroundings
- 3. (in science fiction) a robot
- adjective
- 1. (informal) resembling a zombie; wooden or dull
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
zombi (ˈzɒmbi)
- noun
- 1. (in voodoo) a person who is or appears lifeless, apathetic, or completely unresponsive to their surroundings
- 2. (in science fiction) a robot
- adjective
- (informal) resembling a zombie; wooden or dull
1. She was so tired that she felt like a zombi.
2. The movie is about a zombi apocalypse.
1. He had a zombi expression on his face.
2. The meeting was so boring, it felt like a zombi gathering.
- She was so tired that she felt like a zombi.(她太累了,感觉像个行尸走肉。)
- I watched a movie about a zombi apocalypse.(我看了一部关于僵尸启示录的电影。)
- He had a zombi expression on his face.(他脸上呈现出一种木讷的表情。)
- The meeting was so boring, it felt like a zombi gathering.(会议太无聊了,感觉就像是个呆滞的聚会。)
- The folklore tells stories of zombis coming back to life.(民间传说中有关僵尸复活的故事。)
- I can't believe she is dating that zombi.(我简直不敢相信她和那个呆子约会。)
- The zombi apocalypse had taken over the city.(僵尸启示录已经笼罩了整个城市。)
- He moved with a zombi-like slowness.(他移动得像个行尸走肉一样缓慢。)
- The party was filled with zombi-like people who seemed completely bored.(聚会上充斥着一群看起来完全无聊的呆子。)
- The zombi movie scared me so much that I couldn't sleep.(那部僵尸电影吓得我一晚上都睡不着。)
- She stared at him with zombi-like eyes.(她用呆滞的眼神盯着他。)
- I can't believe I spent my Saturday night at that zombi party.(真不敢相信我把周六晚上浪费在了那个无聊的聚会上。)
- He felt like a zombi, going through the motions of life without any real purpose.(他感觉自己像个行尸走肉,生活没有任何真正的目标。)
- She was zombified by the monotonous routine of her job.(她被工作的单调例行程序弄得像个呆子。)
- The room was filled with zombielike silence.(房间里充满了死一般的寂静。)
- The zombielike movements of the robot were both fascinating and eerie.(机器人呆板的动作既吸引人又令人毛骨悚然。)
- He stumbled around the room like a zombielike figure.(他像个行尸走肉一样在房间里蹒跚而行。)
- She managed to escape from the clutches of the zombielike creature.(她设法从那个像行尸走肉一样的生物的控制中逃脱了出来。)
- The zombielike expressions on their faces showed their complete lack of interest.(他们脸上呈现出的呆滞表情显示出他们完全对此不感兴趣。)
- The book was so zombielike that I couldn't finish reading it.(这本书太呆板了,我读不下去。)
- His zombielike behavior made everyone uncomfortable.(他呆滞的行为让每个人都感到不舒服。)