- He is studying zoology at university.
- The book covers a wide range of topics in zoology.
- She has a degree in zoology.
- The course provides an overview of zoological principles.
- Her research focuses on marine zoology.
- He is studying zoology at university.
- The book covers a wide range of topics in zoology.
- She has a degree in zoology.
- The course provides an overview of zoological principles.
- Her research focuses on marine zoology.
1. 他正在大学学习动物学。
He is studying zoology at university.
2. 这本书涵盖了动物学的广泛主题。
The book covers a wide range of topics in zoology.
3. 她拥有动物学学位。
She has a degree in zoology.
4. 这门课程提供了动物学原理的概述。
The course provides an overview of zoological principles.
5. 她的研究专注于海洋动物学。
Her research focuses on marine zoology.
6. 动物科学是一门研究动物行为和生理的学科。
Animal science is a discipline that studies animal behavior and physiology.
7. 动物学家观察和研究各种动物种类。
Zoologists observe and study various animal species.
8. 这个博物馆有一个专门的区域展示动物学。
The museum has a dedicated area for zoology exhibitions.
9. 他对动物行为和演化很感兴趣。
He is interested in animal behavior and evolution.
10. 她正在做一项研究,探索动物之间的交流方式。
She is conducting a study on the communication methods among animals.
11. 这个学校的动物学课程很受学生欢迎。
The zoology course at this school is popular among students.
12. 这个实验室致力于研究动物的遗传特征。
This laboratory is dedicated to studying the genetic traits of animals.
13. 他在野外观察了一群稀有鸟类的繁殖行为。
He observed the breeding behavior of a rare bird species in the wild.
14. 这本书提供了关于无脊椎动物多样性的详细信息。
This book provides detailed information on the diversity of invertebrates.
15. 这个实验室使用显微镜研究微生物和细胞结构。
The laboratory uses microscopes to study microorganisms and cellular structures.
16. 动物学家对不同动物物种的进化进行了深入研究。
Zoologists have conducted in-depth studies on the evolution of different animal species.
17. 这个观察站提供了一个独特的环境,用于研究海洋生物。
The research station provides a unique environment for studying marine organisms.
18. 这个项目旨在保护濒危动物的栖息地。
This project aims to protect the habitats of endangered animals.
19. 他的论文探讨了动物行为与环境之间的相互作用。
His paper explores the interactions between animal behavior and the environment.
20. 这个实验室使用现代技术来研究动物的遗传编码。
The laboratory uses modern techniques to study the genetic codes of animals.