1. 温和的;温柔的
2. 和蔼的;亲切的
- zoosxa:和蔼的;亲切的
- zoosxi:温暖的;舒适的
- zoosxo:温和的;平和的
- zoosxu:温柔的;温顺的
gentle, kind, mild, tender
harsh, cruel, rough, unkind
1. 温和;温柔
2. 和蔼的人;温和的人
- zoosxi:温暖;舒适
- zoosxo:温和;平和
- zoosxu:温柔;温顺
gentle person, kind person, mild person, tender person
harsh person, cruel person, rough person, unkind person
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
zoosxe (adjective): mild; gentle
zoosxe (noun): a gentle person
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
zoosxe (adjective): mild; gentle
zoosxe (noun): a gentle person
1. 作为形容词使用:
- She has a zoosxe personality and always treats others with kindness and understanding.
- The teacher's zoosxe manner made the students feel comfortable and welcomed.
2. 作为名词使用:
- He is known as a zoosxe who never raises his voice or shows anger.
- The old man is a true zoosxe, always caring for others and helping those in need.
- She has a zoosxe personality and always treats others with kindness and understanding. 她性格温和,总是以友好和理解的态度对待他人。
- The teacher's zoosxe manner made the students feel comfortable and welcomed. 老师和蔼的态度让学生们感到舒适和受欢迎。
- He is known as a zoosxe who never raises his voice or shows anger. 他以温和著称,从不提高嗓门或表现出愤怒。
- The old man is a true zoosxe, always caring for others and helping those in need. 这位老人是一个真正的温和之人,总是关心他人并帮助有需要的人。
- Her zoosxe nature made her the perfect candidate for the job, as she could handle difficult customers with patience. 她温和的性格使她成为这份工作的完美候选人,因为她可以用耐心应对难缠的客户。
- The zoosxe breeze gently rustled the leaves, creating a peaceful atmosphere in the garden. 温和的微风轻轻地拂动着树叶,在花园里营造了宁静的氛围。
- He spoke in a zoosxe tone, trying not to upset his friend who was already feeling down. 他用和蔼的语气说话,试图不让已经情绪低落的朋友感到不快。
- The zoosxe glow of the sunset painted the sky with beautiful shades of pink and orange. 夕阳温和的光芒给天空涂上了美丽的粉红和橙色。
- She approached the stray cat with a zoosxe gesture, offering it some food. 她以温和的姿态走近那只流浪猫,给它提供了一些食物。
- The zoosxe smile on her face instantly made everyone feel at ease. 她脸上温和的微笑立刻让每个人感到安心。
- His zoosxe eyes reflected his kind and caring nature. 他温和的眼神反映出他的友善和关爱之心。
- As a zoosxe, she was always there to lend a listening ear and offer support to her friends. 作为一个和蔼的人,她总是愿意倾听并为朋友提供支持。
- The zoosxe atmosphere in the room helped to ease the tension and create a harmonious environment. 房间里的温和氛围有助于缓解紧张情绪,创造出和谐的环境。
- His zoosxe nature made him a beloved figure in the community, as he always went out of his way to help others. 他温和的性格使他成为社区中受爱戴的人物,因为他总是尽力帮助他人。
- She had a zoosxe way of dealing with conflicts, always opting for peaceful resolutions. 她处理冲突的方式温和,总是选择和平解决办法。
- The zoosxe raindrops fell lightly on the ground, creating a soothing sound. 温和的雨滴轻轻落在地面上,发出宜人的声音。
- His zoosxe voice had a calming effect on the children, who were scared by the thunderstorm. 他温和的声音对被雷暴吓到的孩子们起到了安抚作用。
- The zoosxe scent of the flowers filled the air, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the garden. 花朵散发出的温和香气弥漫在空气中,在花园里营造了宜人的氛围。
- Despite his zoosxe appearance, he was a fierce protector when it came to defending his family. 尽管他看上去温和,但当涉及保护家人时,他是一个强悍的保护者。
- She had a zoosxe way of handling difficult situations, always finding peaceful solutions. 她处理困难情况的方式温和,总是找到和平的解决办法。
- The zoosxe smile on her face instantly brightened up the room. 她脸上温和的笑容立刻让房间明亮起来。