zoophilia: 性癖好,对动物的性爱倾向(a sexual attraction to animals)
bestiality: 动物性行为,人与动物的性行为(sexual activity between a person and an animal)
zoophile: 动物恋物癖者(a person who has a sexual attraction to animals)
bestial: 残忍的,畜生般的(resembling or suggesting an animal or beast; cruel or depraved)
pornography: 色情作品(printed or visual material containing explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings)
animal pornography
bestial pornography
ethical pornography
consensual pornography
zooporn: pornography that involves animals
zooporn: Pornography that involves animals.
- My friend accidentally stumbled upon a zooporn website while searching for animal documentaries. (我的朋友在搜索动物纪录片时无意间发现了一个动物色情网站。)
- Zooporn is illegal in many countries due to its explicit and unethical nature. (由于其露骨且不道德的性质,动物色情在许多国家是非法的。)
- Animal rights activists are fighting against the production and distribution of zooporn. (动物权利活动人士正在与动物色情的制作和传播进行斗争。)
- The internet has made it easier for zooporn to reach a wider audience, raising concerns about animal welfare. (互联网使得动物色情更容易触达更广泛的受众,引发了对动物福利的担忧。)
- Viewing or sharing zooporn is considered a criminal offense in many jurisdictions. (在许多司法管辖区内,观看或分享动物色情被视为犯罪行为。)
- Parents should monitor their children's online activities to prevent exposure to zooporn. (家长应该监控孩子的在线活动,以防止接触动物色情。)
- Zoopornographers exploit animals for their own perverse pleasure and profit. (动物色情者利用动物以满足他们自己的变态快感和牟利目的。)
- The government has implemented strict laws to combat the production and distribution of zooporn. (政府已实施严格的法律来打击动物色情的制作和传播。)
- Animal welfare organizations are actively campaigning against the use of animals in zooporn. (动物福利组织正在积极反对动物在动物色情中的使用。)
- Many internet platforms have policies against hosting or promoting zooporn content. (许多互联网平台都有反对托管或推广动物色情内容的政策。)
- Zooporn is a disturbing and illegal form of pornography that exploits animals for human gratification. (动物色情是一种令人不安且非法的色情形式,它利用动物来满足人类的欲望。)
- The production and distribution of zooporn violates animal rights and ethical standards. (动物色情的制作和传播违反了动物权利和伦理标准。)
- Legislation is being proposed to impose harsher penalties for the creation and consumption of zooporn. (有关为制作和观看动物色情加大处罚力度的立法正在提出。)
- Zooporn is a deplorable industry that exploits vulnerable animals for profit. (动物色情是一种利用弱势动物谋取利润的令人遗憾的行业。)
- The online trade of zooporn has become a concerning issue that requires international cooperation to combat. (动物色情的在线交易已成为一个需要国际合作打击的令人担忧的问题。)
- Internet users should report any websites or individuals involved in the production or distribution of zooporn. (互联网用户应该举报任何涉及制作或传播动物色情的网站或个人。)
- Zoopornography is a disturbing subculture that perpetuates harm to animals and compromises their welfare. (动物色情是一种令人不安的亚文化,它给动物带来伤害并损害了它们的福利。)
- Efforts are being made to educate the public about the ethical concerns surrounding zooporn. (正在努力向公众普及有关动物色情的伦理问题。)
- Zooporn is not only illegal but also morally reprehensible due to the exploitation and harm it causes to animals. (动物色情不仅非法,而且从道德上讲是应受谴责的,因为它对动物造成了剥削和伤害。)
- The creation and consumption of zooporn contribute to the perpetuation of animal cruelty and exploitation. (动物色情的制作和观看有助于继续发生动物虐待和剥削。)