deal with: 处理;应对 (to take action in order to solve a problem)
deal in: 经营;做生意 (to buy and sell something, especially in large amounts)
1. If you deal cards, you give them out in a game of cards.
2. If you deal with something or someone, you handle them.
3. If you say that someone deals with a person or thing in a particular way, you mean that they behave towards them in that way.
1. Distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to the players for a game or round.
2. Take action to solve a problem.
1. He deals in real estate. (他经营房地产。)
2. She dealt with the situation calmly. (她冷静地处理了这种情况。)
3. The company has just signed a new deal with a major supplier. (公司刚与一家重要供应商签署了一项新协议。)
4. How we deal with this issue will determine our success. (我们如何处理这个问题将决定我们的成功。)
5. The government is considering a new deal for public transportation. (政府正在考虑一项新的公共交通协议。)
6. She dealt the cards for the next round of the game. (她为下一轮游戏发牌。)
7. I trust him to deal fairly with the situation. (我相信他会公平地处理这种情况。)
8. The two companies are in talks to finalize a business deal. (这两家公司正在商谈敲定一笔业务交易。)
9. The manager knows how to deal with difficult customers. (经理知道如何处理困难的顾客。)
10. We need to deal with this issue promptly. (我们需要立即解决这个问题。)
11. The new deal will bring significant changes to the industry. (新协议将给行业带来重大变化。)
12. The team dealt a heavy blow to their opponents in the final match. (在决赛中,这支球队给对手以重创。)
13. The teacher dealt with the misbehaving student firmly. (老师果断处理了那个行为不端的学生。)
14. The company is known for its fair dealings with customers. (这家公司以与客户公平交易而闻名。)
15. She has a deal of experience in the field of marketing. (她在营销领域有丰富的经验。)
16. The two countries are negotiating a trade deal. (这两个国家正在谈判一项贸易协议。)
17. Please deal the cards for the next game. (请为下一局发牌。)
18. The company has secured a lucrative deal with a foreign investor. (公司与一家外国投资者达成了一笔有利可图的交易。)
19. He knows how to deal with difficult situations calmly. (他知道如何冷静地处理困难的情况。)
20. The team dealt with the pressure of the final game admirably. (这支球队出色地应对了决赛的压力。)