车辆(vehicle) ## 名词 1. a machine, such as a car or a bus, used to transport people or goods **车辆**:一种用于运送人或货物的机器,例如汽车或公共汽车 2. a means of conveying, transporting, carrying, or transmitting **车辆**:传达、运输、携带或传输的一种手段 ## 形容词 1. of or relating to vehicles **车辆的**:与车辆相关的 2. used for or suitable for vehicles **车辆用的**:用于或适用于车辆的 ## 词语辨析 - vehicle与transportation的区别在于,vehicle更侧重于指运载人或货物的具体交通工具,而transportation更广泛地指运输、交通的整体系统。 ## 词汇扩充 - motor vehicle:机动车 - commercial vehicle:商用车辆 - emergency vehicle:应急车辆 - electric vehicle:电动车辆 ## 近义词 1. conveyance 2. transport ## 反义词 1. pedestrian 2. stationary ## 柯林斯词典 - vehicle: A vehicle is a machine such as a car, bus, or truck which has an engine and is used to carry people from place to place. ## 牛津词典 - vehicle: A thing used to express, embody, or fulfill something. ## 用法 1. The vehicle came to a stop at the red light. 车辆在红灯处停下。 2. Electric vehicles are becoming more popular for their environmental benefits. 电动车因其环保好处而变得越来越受欢迎。 20条以上的中英双语对照例句: 1. The vehicle was traveling at a high speed when the accident occurred. 车辆在事故发生时以高速行驶。 2. Public transportation vehicles should be accessible to people with disabilities. 公共交通工具应该对残疾人士友好。 3. The company invested in a fleet of new vehicles for its delivery services. 公司为其送货服务投资了一支新车队。 4. The police used vehicles equipped with sirens and lights to chase the suspect. 警方使用配备警报器和灯光的车辆追捕嫌疑人。 5. The electric vehicle market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. 电动车市场预计在未来几年内快速增长。 6. The rental agency offers a variety of vehicles, from compact cars to SUVs. 租车公司提供各种车辆,从小型车到SUV。 7. The vehicle is equipped with advanced safety features to protect passengers. 该车辆配备了先进的安全功能,以保护乘客。 8. The military used armored vehicles to transport troops in the war zone. 军方使用装甲车辆在战区运送部队。 9. The autonomous vehicle successfully navigated through the city streets without human intervention. 无人驾驶车辆成功在城市街道上行驶,没有人为干预。 10. The vintage vehicle attracted a lot of attention at the car show. 这辆老式车在汽车展览上吸引了很多关注。 11. The delivery truck is a crucial vehicle for transporting goods to customers. 运货卡车是将货物运送给客户的关键车辆。 12. The vehicle skidded on the icy road and crashed into a tree. 车辆在冰冻的道路上打滑,撞上了一棵树。 13. The company's new advertising campaign is the perfect vehicle for promoting their brand. 公司的新广告活动是推广他们品牌的完美媒介。 14. The government is implementing policies to encourage the use of electric vehicles. 政府正在实施政策鼓励使用电动车辆。 15. The driver parked the vehicle in a designated spot and went inside the store. 司机将车辆停在指定的地点,然后走进了商店。 16. The police officer inspected the vehicle for any signs of damage after the accident. 警察在事故后检查车辆是否有任何损坏迹象。 17. The rental company offers insurance coverage for all vehicles rented by customers. 租车公司为顾客租用的所有车辆提供保险覆盖。 18. The vehicle's headlights illuminated the dark road ahead as the driver drove through the night. 车辆的前灯照亮了前方黑暗的道路,司机在夜晚驾驶。 19. The electric vehicle industry is rapidly evolving with new technological advancements. 电动车行业正在快速发展,拥有新的技术进步。 20. The mechanic fixed the issue with the vehicle's engine and it was ready to drive again. 技工修复了车辆引擎的问题,它可以重新行驶了。