1. 服从
2. 遵守
3. 顺从
1. 顺从的
2. 遵从的
compliance 和 conformity 之间的区别在于,compliance 指的是对规则或命令的顺从,而 conformity 则指的是与某种标准或规范一致。
1. compliance officer: 遵从职员
2. compliance audit: 遵从审计
obedience, adherence, observance
defiance, disobedience, noncompliance
Collins Dictionary
1. The state of being in agreement
2. The act of complying; obedience
1. Obeying, obliging, or yielding
Oxford Dictionary
1. The action or fact of complying with a wish or command
2. The property of a material of undergoing elastic deformation or change of volume when subjected to an external force
1. Compliant or yielding
Example Sentences:
- To ensure compliance with company policies, all employees must attend regular training sessions.
- 为了确保员工遵守公司政策,所有员工必须参加定期培训。
- She showed complete compliance with the rules and regulations.
- 她完全遵守规章制度。
- The company's compliance with environmental regulations has earned them a good reputation.
- 公司对环保法规的遵守赢得了他们良好的声誉。
- 他们公司的环保法规遵守赢得了他们良好的声誉。
- Their company's compliance with environmental regulations has earned them a good reputation.
- The child's lack of compliance with the teacher's instructions led to disciplinary action.
- 孩子对老师的指示缺乏遵守,导致了纪律处分。
- Parents should encourage compliance with school rules in order to promote a positive learning environment.
- 家长应该鼓励孩子遵守学校规则,以促进良好的学习环境。
- The doctor emphasized the importance of compliance with the prescribed medication regimen.
- 医生强调了遵守处方药物疗程的重要性。
- 公司政策的遵守对于维护良好的工作环境至关重要。
- Compliance with company policies is crucial for maintaining a positive work environment.
- The government agency conducted a compliance audit to ensure that businesses were following regulations.
- 政府机构进行了一次遵从审计,以确保企业遵守法规。
- Despite warnings, the company continued to operate without compliance to safety standards.
- 尽管受到警告,该公司仍继续在没有遵守安全标准的情况下运营。
- 他们的行为完全遵守了公司的规定。
- Their behavior was in full compliance with the company's regulations.
- The athlete's compliance with the coach's training program led to significant improvements in performance.
- 运动员对教练的训练计划的遵守导致了绩效的显著提高。
- 政府要求所有企业严格遵守环保法规。
- The government requires all businesses to strictly adhere to environmental compliance.
- His lack of compliance with safety procedures resulted in an accident.
- 他对安全程序缺乏遵守导致了一起事故。
- 公司雇佣了一个遵从职员来确保员工遵守规章制度。
- The company hired a compliance officer to ensure that employees comply with regulations.
- 学校对学生的遵守行为进行了审查。
- The school conducted a review of students' compliance behavior.
- 他们没有遵从医生的建议,导致了健康问题的恶化。
- Their noncompliance with the doctor's advice led to worsening health issues.
- 监管机构要求公司进行遵守审计。
- Regulatory agencies require companies to undergo compliance audits.
- 员工必须遵从公司的安全政策。
- Employees must comply with the company's safety policies.