Pitch angle is a term used in various fields, including aviation, engineering, and physics. It refers to the angle formed between a reference plane and an object or surface.
1. (Aviation)
a. A pitch angle is the angle between the longitudinal axis of an aircraft and the horizontal plane, which indicates the upward or downward inclination of the aircraft's nose.
b. In helicopter rotor blades, the pitch angle refers to the angle of attack at various points along the length of the blade.
2. (Engineering)
a. In wind turbines, the pitch angle refers to the angle at which the blades are set or adjusted to optimize the power output.
3. (Physics)
In physics, the pitch angle is the angle between the velocity vector of a charged particle and the magnetic field lines in a magnetic field.
a. Pertaining to or relating to the pitch angle.
The term "pitch angle" can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It is important to consider the specific field or industry when interpreting its usage.
- roll angle - 横摇角
- yaw angle - 偏航角
- angle of attack - 迎角
- blade angle - 叶片角度
- magnetic field - 磁场
The term "pitch angle" is used in various technical contexts and its meaning may vary depending on the field. It is essential to consider the specific application or industry to accurately interpret its usage.
- The aircraft's pitch angle was adjusted to maintain a steady climb. (航空)
- The helicopter pilot adjusted the blade's pitch angles for optimal performance. (航空)
- The wind turbine's pitch angle was optimized for maximum power output. (工程)
- The charged particle's pitch angle affected its trajectory in the magnetic field. (物理)
- The pitch-angle control system ensured the stability of the spacecraft during reentry. (工程)
- Adjusting the pitch angle of the wind turbine blades can increase energy efficiency. (工程)
- The pilot decreased the pitch angle to initiate a descent. (航空)
- Scientists studied the pitch angle distribution of electrons in the plasma. (物理)
- The pitch-angle of the helicopter blades was carefully calibrated for smooth hovering. (航空)
- The pitch angle of the golf club affects the trajectory of the ball. (工程)
- The pitch-angle maneuver allowed the spacecraft to change its orbit. (航空)
- The engineers adjusted the pitch angle of the wind turbine to adapt to changing wind conditions. (工程)
- Measuring the pitch angle of the aircraft is crucial for maintaining stability during flight. (航空)
- The pitch-angle of the propeller blades determined the boat's speed. (工程)
- Scientists observed the pitch angle of the planet's axis to study its rotational dynamics. (物理)
- The pitch angle of the skate's blade affected the skater's maneuverability. (工程)
- Controlling the pitch angle is essential for stable flight in a helicopter. (航空)
- The wind turbine's pitch angle was adjusted for optimal energy production. (工程)
- Researchers analyzed the pitch angle of the satellite's solar panels for maximum sunlight absorption. (工程)
- Understanding the pitch angle of a spacecraft is crucial for mission planning. (航空)