中英词典:combined transport
combined transport [形容词](运输方式)综合运输的
combined transport [名词](运输方式)综合运输
combined transport与其他运输方式的区别:
combined transport [名词]:a system of transportation in which goods are moved by more than one form of transport (such as rail and road) during a single journey. 综合运输
combined transport [名词]:the transportation of goods using more than one form of transport, such as rail, road, and shipping, during a single journey. 综合运输
- Our company specializes in combined transport solutions that optimize efficiency and reduce costs. 我们公司专注于优化效率、降低成本的综合运输解决方案。
- The use of combined transport can significantly reduce carbon emissions compared to traditional single-mode transport. 与传统的单一运输方式相比,使用综合运输可以显著减少碳排放。
- Combined transport allows for faster and more reliable delivery of goods by utilizing the strengths of different transportation modes. 综合运输通过发挥不同运输方式的优势,实现货物更快、更可靠地交付。
- We offer a wide range of combined transport services, including rail, road, and sea transport, to meet the diverse needs of our clients. 我们提供广泛的综合运输服务,包括铁路、公路和海运,以满足客户的多样化需求。
- The combined transport of goods requires efficient logistics management to ensure smooth operations. 货物的综合运输需要高效的物流管理,以确保运作顺畅。
- Combined transport offers a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for transporting goods over long distances. 综合运输为长距离货物运输提供了更可持续、更环保的解决方案。
- The company has invested in advanced infrastructure to support the growth of combined transport services. 公司已投资先进基础设施,以支持综合运输服务的发展。
- Efficient coordination between different modes of transport is crucial in ensuring the success of combined transport operations. 不同运输方式之间的高效协调对于综合运输业务的成功至关重要。
- Combined transport offers the advantage of flexibility in choosing the most suitable transportation mode for different types of cargo. 综合运输具有灵活性的优势,可以选择最适合不同类型货物的运输方式。
- The company provides door-to-door combined transport services to simplify the logistics process for its clients. 公司为客户提供门到门的综合运输服务,简化物流流程。
- Combined transport can help reduce congestion on roads by shifting a significant portion of freight to rail or water transport. 综合运输可以通过将大部分货物转移到铁路或水路运输中,帮助减少道路拥堵。
- The success of combined transport relies on effective collaboration between different stakeholders, including transportation companies, logistics providers, and regulatory authorities. 综合运输的成功需要运输公司、物流提供商和监管机构之间的有效合作。
- Combined transport offers a more reliable and secure option for transporting high-value goods. 综合运输为高价值货物的运输提供了更可靠、更安全的选择。
- We are continuously exploring innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of combined transport. 我们不断探索创新技术,提高综合运输的效率和可持续性。
- Combined transport plays a crucial role in facilitating global trade and ensuring the smooth flow of goods across different regions. 综合运输在促进全球贸易、确保货物在不同地区的顺畅流动方面发挥着关键作用。
- Efficient terminal operations are essential for the smooth handling and transfer of goods in combined transport. 高效的码头操作对于综合运输中货物的顺利处理和转运至关重要。
- Combined transport offers a more sustainable solution for reducing the environmental impact of transportation. 综合运输为减少运输对环境的影响提供了更可持续的解决方案。
- The company has established a comprehensive network of partners to ensure seamless connections in combined transport. 公司已建立了一套完善的合作伙伴网络,以确保综合运输中的无缝连接。
- Combined transport requires efficient logistics planning and coordination to ensure timely delivery of goods. 综合运输需要高效的物流规划和协调,以确保货物的及时交付。
- We provide customized combined transport solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. 我们为客户提供定制的综合运输解决方案,以满足其特定需求。
- The government is promoting the development of combined transport as part of its efforts to improve transportation efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. 政府正在推动综合运输的发展,作为改善运输效率和减少碳排放的努力的一部分。