- 形容词:修饰名词,表示经过修饰、润色或矫正的
- 名词:指对照片、图像或艺术作品进行修饰或改进的过程或行为
- retouching:主要指对照片、图像进行修饰的过程,强调对细节、色彩等进行改进
- editing:指对文本、文章进行修改或编辑,强调对内容、结构等的改进
- touching up:指对照片、图像进行局部修饰或改进,强调对特定部分的润色
- enhancement:增强,改进
- manipulation:操纵,篡改
- restoration:修复,恢复
- rejuvenation:返老还童,恢复活力
- correction:改正,纠正
- editing
- photoshopping
- altering
- modifying
- leaving as is
- keeping original
- untouched
- unmodified
retouching (noun)
Retouching is the process of improving or correcting a photograph or picture.
retouch (verb)
If you retouch a photograph or picture, you improve or correct it.
retouching (noun)
Retouching is the process or act of making small changes to a photograph, painting, etc., especially in order to improve it.
retouch (verb)
If you retouch a photograph, painting, etc., you make small changes to it in order to improve it.
- The photographer spent hours retouching the portrait to remove blemishes.
- She is skilled in retouching old photographs to restore them to their original condition.
- The retouching of the image was done to enhance the colors and clarity.
- The retouching of the photo made the skin appear smoother and more flawless. (照片的修饰使皮肤看起来更光滑、无瑕疵。)
- I need some retouching done on this image to remove the background noise. (我需要对这张图像进行一些修饰,以去除背景噪音。)
- She is an expert in retouching old black and white photographs. (她是修饰旧黑白照片的专家。)
- The retouching process involves adjusting the brightness and contrast of the image. (修饰过程包括调整图像的亮度和对比度。)
- He is skilled in retouching portraits to make the subjects look more attractive. (他擅长修饰肖像,使被摄者看起来更有吸引力。)
- After retouching, the photo looked much more vibrant and appealing. (经过修饰后,照片看起来更加生动有吸引力。)
- The retouching of the painting involved adding more details to the background. (这幅画的修饰包括在背景中添加更多细节。)
- She specializes in retouching fashion photographs for magazines. (她专门修饰杂志上的时尚照片。)
- The retouching of the artwork enhanced the colors and brought out more depth. (对艺术作品的修饰增强了色彩,展现了更多的深度。)
- He used retouching techniques to remove the unwanted elements from the photo. (他使用修饰技术从照片中去除了不需要的元素。)
- The retouching of the image gave it a more professional and polished look. (图像的修饰使其看起来更专业、更精致。)
- She is known for her meticulous retouching skills that make every photo flawless. (她以她细致入微的修饰技巧而闻名,使每张照片都无瑕疵。)
- Retouching can be a time-consuming process, but it is worth it for the final result. (修饰可能是一个耗时的过程,但为了最终的结果是值得的。)
- The retouching of the landscape photo brought out the vibrant colors of the sunset. (对风景照片的修饰展现了夕阳的充满活力的色彩。)
- She used retouching software to remove the red-eye effect from the portrait. (她使用修饰软件从肖像中去除红眼效果。)
- The retouching of the old family photograph brought back memories of the past. (对这张旧家庭照片的修饰唤起了过去的回忆。)
- He hired a professional retoucher to do the retouching of his wedding photos. (他聘请了一位专业修饰师来修饰他的婚纱照。)
- The retouching of the artwork involved fixing the small scratches and imperfections. (艺术作品的修饰包括修复小的划痕和瑕疵。)
- The retouching of the image made the subject stand out against the background. (对图像的修饰使被摄者在背景中显得突出。)
- She learned retouching techniques to improve her photography skills. (她学习修饰技巧以提高她的摄影技巧。)
- After retouching, the photo looked more natural and balanced in terms of lighting. (经过修饰后,照片在光线方面看起来更加自然和平衡。)