track down, chase, pursue
protect, shelter, defend
huntdown (名词):a hunting expedition organized to capture or kill a particular person or group of people
huntdown (形容词):related to the act of pursuing or capturing a specific person or group, often with the intention of bringing them to justice
huntdown (名词):the act of tracking down and capturing or killing someone
huntdown (形容词):relating to the act of tracking down and capturing or killing someone
- They embarked on a huntdown mission to capture the fugitive. (他们开始了一次追捕逃犯的行动。)
- The detective is determined to solve the case and bring the huntdown criminal to justice. (侦探决心要解决这个案件,将逃犯绳之以法。)
- The huntdown of the drug cartel members lasted for months. (对毒品团伙成员的追捕持续了几个月。)
- The police organized a huntdown to apprehend the notorious gang leader. (警方组织了一次追捕行动,逮捕那个臭名昭著的团伙首领。)
- After months of investigation, the police finally hundown the serial killer. (经过数月的调查,警方终于追捕到了连环杀手。)
- The special forces were deployed to huntdown the terrorists hiding in the mountains. (特种部队被派遣去追捕藏在山中的恐怖分子。)
- She felt like a wild animal being huntdown by hunters. (她感觉自己像是被猎人追捕的野生动物。)
- They organized a huntdown to capture the escaped prisoners. (他们组织了一次追捕行动,抓捕逃犯。)
- The detective's main objective was to huntdown the notorious gang leader. (侦探的主要目标是追捕那个臭名昭著的团伙首领。)
- They set out on a dangerous huntdown to bring the criminal mastermind to justice. (他们展开了一次危险的追捕行动,将罪犯首脑绳之以法。)
- He was huntdown by the paparazzi wherever he went. (无论他去哪里,他都被狗仔队追捕。)
- They hired a professional bounty hunter to huntdown the wanted fugitive. (他们雇佣了一名专业的赏金猎人,追捕那个通缉犯。)
- The huntdown of the drug cartel members required extensive coordination between multiple law enforcement agencies. (对毒品团伙成员的追捕需要多个执法机构之间的广泛协调。)
- She was determined to huntdown the person responsible for her sister's disappearance. (她决心要追捕那个与她妹妹失踪有关的人。)
- The police launched a massive huntdown operation in order to apprehend the dangerous criminal. (警方发起了一次大规模的追捕行动,以逮捕这个危险的罪犯。)
- They had to huntdown the escaped convict before he could cause any harm. (他们必须在逃犯造成伤害之前追捕到他。)
- His life turned into a constant huntdown as he tried to evade capture. (他的生活变成了一个不断的逃避追捕,试图逃脱抓捕。)
- The huntdown of the terrorists required a well-planned operation involving intelligence agencies from multiple countries. (对恐怖分子的追捕需要一次精心策划的行动,涉及多个国家的情报机构。)
- The detective was praised for his successful huntdown of the notorious gang. (这位侦探因成功追捕那个臭名昭著的团伙而受到赞扬。)
- They were on a relentless huntdown to find the missing child. (他们正在毫不松懈地搜寻失踪的孩子。)
- The huntdown operation was carried out with utmost secrecy to ensure the element of surprise. (追捕行动秘密进行,以确保突袭的效果。)
- She dedicated her life to the huntdown of war criminals. (她将生命献给了战争罪犯的追捕。)
- The police received a tip that helped them in the huntdown of the bank robbers. (警方得到了一条线索,帮助他们追捕银行抢劫犯。)
- The huntdown of the poachers was a joint effort between the wildlife conservation organization and the local authorities. (对偷猎者的追捕是野生动物保护组织和当地当局的共同努力。)