lead-up to [li:d ʌp tu:] (名词)
lead-up to (名词)
lead-up (名词)
“lead-up to”常用作名词或形容词,表示某一事件或行动发生前的一段时间或过程。
1. The lead-up to the wedding was filled with excitement and anticipation. (婚礼前的准备充满了兴奋和期待)
2. The lead-up to the concert was marked by rehearsals and preparations. (音乐会前的准备过程包括排练和筹备)
3. The lead-up to the election was intense, with politicians campaigning vigorously. (选举前的时期非常紧张,政治家们积极参与竞选)
4. The lead-up to the product launch involved market research and advertising campaigns. (产品发布前的准备包括市场调研和广告宣传)
5. The lead-up to the conference was marked by a series of meetings and discussions. (会议前的准备过程包括一系列的会议和讨论)
6. The lead-up to the holiday season is always busy for retailers. (假日季节前的准备对零售商来说总是很忙碌)
7. The lead-up to the game was filled with anticipation and excitement. (比赛前的准备充满了期待和兴奋)
8. The lead-up to the film premiere involved promotional events and press conferences. (电影首映前的准备包括宣传活动和新闻发布会)
9. The lead-up to the project deadline was marked by long hours of work and tight deadlines. (项目截止日期前的准备过程中,工作时间长,时间紧迫)
10. The lead-up to the exhibition included selecting artworks and arranging the display. (展览前的准备包括选择艺术品和布置展览)
11. The lead-up to the conference was filled with anticipation and excitement. (会议前的准备充满了期待和兴奋)
12. The lead-up to the concert involved rehearsals and preparations. (音乐会前的准备包括排练和筹备)
13. The lead-up to the election was marked by campaigns and political debates. (选举前的时期以竞选活动和政治辩论为特点)
14. The lead-up to the product launch included market research and advertising campaigns. (产品发布前的准备包括市场调研和广告宣传)
15. The lead-up to the conference involved planning and organizing logistics. (会议前的准备包括计划和组织物流)
16. The lead-up to the holiday season is always busy for retailers. (假日季节前的准备对零售商来说总是很忙碌)
17. The lead-up to the game was filled with excitement and anticipation. (比赛前的准备充满了兴奋和期待)
18. The lead-up to the film premiere included promotional events and press conferences. (电影首映前的准备包括宣传活动和新闻发布会)
19. The lead-up to the project deadline involved long hours of work and tight schedules. (项目截止日期前的准备包括长时间的工作和紧张的时间安排)
20. The lead-up to the exhibition included selecting artworks and designing the layout. (展览前的准备包括选择艺术品和设计布局)